I want to pet it(obviously)
But I’d do it cautiously
The question on everyone’s mind: is it a cabbit or a rat?
it’s a chare.
User name/content synergy
the man’s name isn’t forest scrotum though…
So that’s what a forest scrotum looks like! Good to know!
that’s about 4 forest scrota living in commune if you want to be precise about it.
(I had to google the plural of scrotum and I’m now very afraid of what kind of targeted advertising I’m going to get over the next few days)
Thank you for this correction. Oddly, the noun scrotum in Latin is neuter in gender, thus the plural “scrota”
yeah, this is google talking, not me: plural scrota -ə or scrotums
It was you that scrote it, thus was it scritten.
Does this also mean we have to stop pissing into the abyss and staring into the wind?
no, but it greatly calls into question our god given right to kick the can and shoot the shit out of each other.