Can you or someone please help explain how to make a note hold longer than one measure when recording? Without re-triggering at the end of the loop?
I completely realize this machine is not designed to drone necessarily, I just can’t figure out how to record a sustained note for a long period of time without it re-triggering.
substan is amazing! So much beautiful work on the Digitone etc.
I don’t own a Syntakt, but… set the duration to INF and the condition to FIRST, so that it only trigs once? You can probably do something with fill to shut it off.
Thank you so much! That really helps a lot
It’s best to set a drone note up in grid recording as explained above or capture live and then edit to prevent retriggering
That’s very good. Nice work!
Literally just watched this - some great sound design in here I’m impressed with what it can do in this space tbh…
@DonovanDwyer @francato @Headtechnician
Thank you so much guys !!!
Very nicely done. One of my favorite Syntakt pieces so far.
Fail, not fail. Great Track.
Ambient composition only with the Syntakt, some compression in resolve but otherwise purely syntakt engines and effects:
lovely stuff
Thanks @pidgeo!
u got a new sub on uchoob there
I have a feeling Syntakt is great for melodic percussion. Especially if you add a bit of Microcosm it blooms instantly with simple patterns.
This sounds great
this time pure ambient.
as requested, a few words about my mastering chain:
ToneBoosters Equalizer - to take something out at 260 and 820 Hz
Slate Digital FG-Grey - for slight compression
UAD Manley Massiv Passiv - to boost the highs and lows
UAD SPL Vitalizer - to enhance the highs and a touch of stereo spread
Vertigo VSE-2 - for AIR
ToneBoosters Barricade - compression and limiting
Appreciate seeing all the ambient tracks posted. Would love to see some patch/pattern breakdowns with techniques for ambient, though.