Torso Electronics S-4 (sculpting sampler)

Really excited for this device, can’t wait for the the first demos and reviews to drop. On paper it looks very promising!

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I love the discussion here, and share the enthusiasm and hopes for the product that t|so will launch on Nov. 16th.
But, when I see the words “specs”, and “on paper”, I can’t help feel a bit of cognitive dissonance, since whatever was visible for a brief moment has been literally withdrawn.
I look forward to discuss it next week though :slight_smile:

the specs were available for a blink of a moment in the webcache after the first teaser - and thx to @DannyO who pointed that out here I was able to c&p them here specs
here is what I originally grabbed from the webcache and c&p’ed in a more readable format to this thread: S-4 - Torso Electronics.pdf (2.6 MB)


That’s my point. It is not an official spec if it is not officially (at this time) published by the manufacturer.
There is an intent of communication behind a publication. Not just a technical glitch or human error.

I’m afraid there will be a backlash of negative responses in this thread, if, on the 16th, their published specification does not live up to their leaked one. Maybe it turns out that they got cold feet about external interfaces for example, and wanted to save that for an update.

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no one has ever claimed that it is official.

only you have claimed that.

if a manufacturer doesn’t want people talking about their future products, they shouldn’t leak anything on their own initiative when teasing. if it was an accident, nothing bad happened anyway, rather the opposite, 200+ posts of free advertising :smiley:

if someone had written to me via pm, i would have deleted my posts immediately.

but nobody did.

this is a forum and we like to speculate.

as an adult and educated person you should be able to keep your expectations under control when speculating, because speculation is the opposite of fact.

it is very possible that something will change, i think everyone here is able to accept that. everyone is in joyful anticipation of what is to come.


this backlash is inevitable. this device isnt replacing anyones octatrack or whatever sampler they currently have/use. pipe dreams and fantasies are running wild.

im pretty sure 95% of that leak is legit tho and im 90% sure (accurate) expectations can be extrapolated from it.

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Hey now, I never said this, just that I made an arbitrary decision to not buy any gear that has trs midi only :-P. Got to control the gas somehow.


Sorry, I’ve misinterpreted this ‘’ But the main issue is that it is an indicator of the products target market and use case which usually doesn’t match with me or mine’’. Do you want me to remove my post?

I just always use my gear in my studio connected to all my other stuff. Small size and portability are not important to me. I have a million din midi cables in all lengths that connect to my other gear with no issues or dongles. I don’t want to trade that for a fragile connection that sometimes introduces noise and requires dongles (of one type A or type B) to connect to the rest of my gear or buying a certain length mini trs cable as I don’t have those. Not to mention it only has three pins so it doesn’t play nice when devices use all 5 pins for sync or what have you. I get no benefit from the trs midi and it is just a headache for me so I don’t want to use it. Gear with trs midi usually means it is meant for more portability and a smaller setup where you don’t have to connect gear from across the room with a 25’ mini trs cable or a bunch of dongles hanging out of all your midi stuff. Just my personal preferences, I’m not saying anything about the gear not being ‘professional’.


Can’t wait for S-4.

I’ve had almost every Elektron over the years - except for MMKeys and both versions of AH. Been using T-1 since day one with Assimil8or (which is next level with the the new Locutus MIDI expander BTW).

Love(d) Elektron but my studio has been clear of OT, ST, DT for a while now. Can’t say the same for many of my mates. OT still rules supreme in many setups.

T-1 has been extremely well supported since launch. I’d expect nothing less with S-4.


I can’t help it, but their website and products give me Teenage engineering vibes. I really hope they do not down this path.

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I’m struggling to see the negative view here. Care to explain?

since they have similar homepages Torso will start making expensive designer audio equipment :man_shrugging:

Tables?! :grin:

oooh noes! The S-4 is a table without a screen !!

Worst sampler EVER!

I can only guess, but maybe they meant something like this?

Apart from the Scandinavian connection, I’m not sure there’s much of a comparison IMHO. Based on their track record so far, Torso’s target market appears to be musicians. I’m not so sure about TE’s target market. Synthfluencers, tech bros and oligarchs?


Ba Dum Tss!!

I’m going to guess $1399 USD for this thing; looks like they’re trying to make what everyone wanted the OP-1f to be, and they see folks paying $2,000 for one of those.

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stop giving them bad ideas guys. Roland for example is going really low price wise, sp404mk2 is in the ballpark of mpc one and digitakt, but costs significantly less. Maybe they have a heart and it costs ~7 to 800