Triggering slices with midi notes?


  • using a 70ms delay in my Pd patch, i get fully consistent results for ABCD as well as DCBA. Directly jumping A to D or D to A will sometimes result in “glides” as mentioned above by someone, but this effect fully disappears at a delay of 80ms.

  • a delay of 70ms in my Pd patch (running on: iphone 4 / iRig midi interface / / iOS 7.1 / MobMuPlat version 1.55) still results in slightly faster pad response than using the so-called “20ms” delay in richiegusto’s patch. Im guessing maxforlive/ableton has a lot more inherent latency than we suspect (i use a RME fireface400 for MIDI). Unfortunately, even the slightly faster response in my patch is still rather hard to use for real-time midi pad performance.

  • the upwards/downwards problem might be due to the OT working with lowest value priority (this is confirmed by the manual for track number and midi channels, see p. 123).

  • “ghost-midi-notes” did not manage to do the trick. at least not in the simple way i envisioned in my post above, as the note needs to be at more than 0 velocity. could maybe work with an Amp Level CC set to zero, but i doubt this CC will react any quicker than CC17.