Hello. I programmed the Event Processor + and it works great. I can control Slices perfectly with any midi device sending notes or Cc.
I should be able to control up to eight tracks at the same time or select a track with specific notes. I have to work on this. It should work with Octatrack sequencer and arpegios with incoming notes.
I use Slice Mode instead of Start Mode, it’s simplier.
Do I have to create another subject to have more feedback ?
Can you elucidate on what you mean by ‘control Slices perfectly’, or what your eureka moment is.
AFAIK the end game behind the thrust of this thread is something unachievable, i.e. there is no perfect, there’s always an inherent compromise … it’s either latency or inaccurate slice selection, perfect simply isn’t possible due to the OT handling of the MIDI events internally. So, with that in mind, it may be that you come at this from a different direction and get the desired outcome, but can you spell out exactly what you’ve got working and what it solves ?
No, ideally we keep related content together unless you have something that truly merits its own thread
You’re right it is not perfect because I use the crossfader’s Cc48.
As Tomes explained, you have to send Cc17, Cc48, note (C-1, 36).
I convert notes with the Ep+ and theres no latency, no inacurate slice selection, because theres no latency with Cc48. I mean of course there should be a normal midi latency you can’t ear.
I can record Cc17 with accurate slices.
Yep. Tomes did it with Mpc 1000 jjos2xl installed I have too.
I tried, it worked, but it’s boring to program.
It’s much more interesting to use midi processors. In that way, I can record note in any midi sequenceur (even OT’s one), quantize and play again, real-time modify notes with lfos or arps. The notes are processed after.
A funny trick is to hold 16 notes (or more with sustain pedal) in corresponding slice order, with a Up Arp and proper Arp speed you can play the sample in a normal way!
Then you can play specifics parts, ie slice 1 3 5 7, change the speed, pitch the sound with the keyboard pitch bend. Crazy things. I work on changing tracks with midi messages.
For direct Slice control with any midi stuff, standalone, with the Event Processor Plus, I can give my settings too (just have to copy and paste and send it with a computer or a sysex player).
It is midi powered and you can do a lot of things with it. I can give you advices if needeed.
Am I the only one to use it with Ot ?
You can control comb filter pitch with midi notes, for example
I can share a midi sysex file or a text file you can open and edit with the Ep+ editor. I can leave comment for each command.
I use a Korg Taktile 49 because of its midi sync arpeggiator with pads. I can remove the keyboard so maybe one day I’ll buy another one to put Ot and A4 in it.
The Midi Solutions seems like a winning workaround! Does it allow for velocity changes as well?
I don’t even own an at the moment, but to have the ability to naturally play in parts via a keyboard would go a long way in helping to mend this broken relationship.
Has anyone else tried this yet? sezare56, can I please get that text file from you if I end up getting one again some day?
Yes no problem. Velocity can be mapped to Ot Volume. I programmed other functions in the slice script such as assign pitch bend to pitch, assign a part of keyboard to pitch without triggering samples.
It’s initially made for the Volca Sample which had similar ‘problems’. But as far as I got it, you can upload your own ‘translation’ into the cable. https://www.retrokits.com/rk002/settings/kvs/midiformat.html
It’s just $40 so might be a cheaper solution.
It seems very dedicated to Volca.
Hard to compare Volca and OT. What are the similar problems ?
You can do Slices with Volca ?
Event Processor Plus can process 32 events. When you start to use midi processors, you need more and more ! Quite easy to edit with the software. Some limitations.
Cheaper can be Arduino, but you have to wake up early for year to program it !
The problem on the Volca Sample was that each sample was on a separate Midi channel (if I remember it right). So you couldn’t just use your Midi controller and play each one directly (without changing your channel). Which is kind of similar in the way that your Midi stream needs to be modified for the machine to do the right thing.
And no Volca sample can’t slice.
Checked Retrokits Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/retrokitsDev/ ), they got a bunch of other ‘translator’-firmwares there. They also replied that they might be able to look into this.
Just chiming in: We make the RK-002 - just got word from this Octatrack slice-thing, sounds like a perfect job for the RK-002. We’ll look into this. We also did something similar for the Kaossilator note-to-CC conversion ( https://youtu.be/ZzCLELCsWvI ).
But - firstly I’d better plough through this +/- three years of your frustrations to solve in this thread - see if we can come up with a nice solution for this. The RK-002 can optionally also map other controllers like the velocity and modulation and such, maybe there are other slice parameters which can be influenced with a single keypress.
Hi. Already solved for me with Event Processor Plus, MEP4 Yamaha, MPC 1000 JJOS2XL.
I didn’t try with Midipal but it should work.
The main need is to send a CC17 and a CC48 before a note.
There are several improvements possible and choices to make :
The note can be either C2 to G2 for track sample notes (whatever the midi channel) or C6, wich can be used with Auto Channel, or a specific channel.
C2 to G2 : Pitch control, C5 - C7 notes mapped to pitch without triggering samples (my preference).
C5 - C7 : Direct note pitch Control but with triggering samples.
Pitch bend mapped to CC 16 pitch.
How many events can you have in RK002 ?
Sorry but on your site I can’t see the possibilities of your product out of Volca environment…
Any software to program it offline ?
Thanks for the summary sezare56, It sounds a lot like what the Kaossilator needs as well. As I understand on the Octratrack the sample slice can go up to 64 notes - you’d need a large keyboard to trigger all of them, I could also imagine it would be fun to just jog through the samples with e.g. the controller wheel or such and just use 12 keys to trigger the slices. We’ll dive into the Octatrack’s possibilities and see what would be a nice setup to get creative on the slices…
Having said that… a friend of mine showed me the Octatracks ‘quick start manual’ and euhrm… it will take me a while to sort it out