Update os Tutorial


os update to version 1.1d

have c6 open, configure, choose analog4 midi - in my case midi even though i have it connected with usb

after c6 configure usually i have to reboot my pc because c6 crashes

reboot pc

turn on A4

open c6

in windows explorer open your folder with the file you like to install, and

DRAG DROP it into C6 (white big fat wide area)

in A4 press Function and Global (right hand side, next to transpose/lock)

navigate down to OS Upgrade, hit OKAY

in windows C6 your file that you want to send to A4 should be in the filename window

now press SEND and A4 should receive the file and install the new operating system, and reboot automatically.

dont turn anything on or off during the process. i had to reboot (old school) my pc seriously 3 times in order to get it to work.

C6 sucks, but hey, nobody is perfect

when turning A4 off and on (after everything is finished) the operating system can be seen on the display for a short while, right lower corner… in my case now 1.1D

c6 does NOT work for me if I open a file through the open menu and then send it to A4 …

c6 does NOT work for me after I have pressed the configure button and cloed that menue (hence the restarts)

good luck and may be protons and neutrons accompany your elektron ways