Exactly. It’s so untargeted, asking “how can anyone make music with such bad tools?”
Bruv, other people have these problems, but working through them is all we can.
It’s “about the industry” and “about capitalism” as much as other magical thinkers obsess about meme stonks, they are a narrative that is palatable and contains references to reality, but it’s just as ungrounded as someone who thinks all world governments will collude to make them rich because their Bed Bath and Beyond stock was nullified.
Which is to say, there are aspects of the industry that are hella toxic, and so are the markets, but there are good people making good products even if they don’t match something that doesn’t exist outside of your head.
If that matters, devoting the time to making the product (and failing in ways you would criticize yourself for if it was another vendor) will still be self-improvement.
Ranting about static issues is about whatever emotional constipation begs for this not-art-in-the-slightest connection gear-grinding release.
There’s even a thread for that!
I don’t think that one gets as negative as it’s self-aware enough in general in the venting.