dude, read the first post in this thread. where does it say anything even remotely close to that? you’re hearing what you want to hear, and then you’re going on self righteous diatribes to OP. Leave them alone
this is right at the start of the thread man. you’re definitely trying to shut the convo down
I’m not.
I wish I had friends!
i think you miss the long running humor in this…
hes the last person who wanted to go down this road…
If you have to explain a joke mate…
sometimes jokes are like grenades. you pull the pin and just gotta wait…
It is not wishing personal offense at someone in observing patterns in why we as a community of technical musicians over-focus on aspects of tools instead of using them for what the entirety of the audio industry worldwide can provide.
Threadposter identifies as a “chronic GAS patient” and my replies have been to that series of patterns that I am aware of from within and without. I point out where I see general problems that affect the health of actually talking about using hardware, where communities often devolve into “gear” that just post their battlestations and obsess about what they buy or would not buy and rapidly oscillate to each new shiny whenever it’s released.
It is not a mystery that overbroad complaints receive similarly broad replies
Anyway, best wishes to all.
my favorite bit about that thread is in the OP
buys a mac
its classic Fin. i love it soo much.
One day I’ll rock up with an Op-1 or something and you’ll all die of pissing yourselves.
But seriously…has anybody in this thread answered the question: Is the Octatrack still relevant in 2023?!
Sounds like arse mate.
Really?! I heard it was Ableton in a box
na…you probably heard the Medieval is Fableton in a box
But then isn’t it a computer … in a box?
no delay on that grenade pin apparently