What posture do you work in?

69, i am on top, boyfriend on bottom, so only can work with like one hand at a time,

Here is one for ya… Stick your head up your ass…

cosmosuave, those cable wraps were a must. thanks for the idea!

How did you get Battery for the MnM?

Standing. Jumping around when the groove gets me. :slight_smile:

Standing! But I use my studiocomputer sitting down, so I sometimes move my chair to the synthcorner and spend an hour or so like the hunckback over gear. This and my deskjob have really F$#%@% my back :frowning:

Another reason to keep working out every now and then.

I have everything more or less within arms reached from a high back chair but deliberately have certain things placed where I need to stand to use them every once in a while i.e.: Maschine / Microbrute / Monomachine for example - and all my rack gear is kept at desk height so I am not hunched over trying to program stuff - @ 45 my back isn’t up to it anymore.

I stand. I used to sit or even lay in a hammock, but OTB it’s just more fun for me to stand at my little table that’s up on some cinder blocks :slight_smile:

start here:
Will work with the mkII machines and Octatrack. Possibly A4 if you can find one that outputs the different power requirements it has.

i have one of these http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/618847-REG/Tekkeon_MP3450I_myPower_ALL_Plus_MP3450i.html.
i scored it via ebay for super duper cheap.

I get a pretty good sitting posture. Sometimes i lean forward to reach, but no back problems or anything.

Where’d you get that desk? I’ve been looking for an affordable, somewhat small desk for my workstation.

Where’d you get that desk? I’ve been looking for an affordable, somewhat small desk for my workstation. [/quote]

Sitting in an office chair. A standing desk would be great, but that’ll have to wait.

love this post! :heart:

at first I thought you were going down a water slide! but enlarging it showed you are living on the edge with your equipment… loose balance kiss your gear goodbye? … looking lovely though!

heheheeee :joy:

I am also suffering from producer’'s neck from looking down too much! , now usually office setup

but I get up (almost regularly) to move my hips!

works miracoulaousley (<— I know)

get up move hips in circle leftward 10 rotations

then counterclockwise

then thrust like when ya mounting ya better half for 10 or 20 secs

does the trick for me!


I have all my gear easily accessible from a pretty comfortable sitting position, but if I’m jamming I like to stand up and move quicker between the things. Standing up while doing stuff makes things a bit more energized, I think, and probably simulates playing live a bit better. Although for the really introverted sound-designing part, I usually sit down. :slight_smile: