[li]Please, make larger screens on any future devices.[/li]
[li]I too, wish for a user-friendly and affordable, Cirklon killer!!! Please, large nice screen and have knobs above all step keys, like Cirklon.[/li]
[li]More user-friendly Octatrack mkII with Overbrige, SD cards, analog filters, more i/o.[/li]
[li]OS updates and improvements for all existing gear. Looking at you Octatrack.[/li]
[li]Wavetables for Analog Four and Keys. Maybe a new effect or two?[/li]
Oh, wait, was this just my personal wishlist or what I actually think Elektron will do? :-)I think they will actually update Octatrack OS this coming Winter, after releasing Overbridge. Other than that, no idea.[/ul]
What’s happening in this picture?
This was on Elektron’s Instagram today. Is this anything, or nothing?
Unfortunately nothing, can pretty much pick all of the manufacturers of those modules and the only other things in the picture are an AK and 606
With overbridge coming out, the whole idea of a master control machine is really appealing. Having a box that allows you to do sequencing of multiple analog boxes and process the multichannel audio through a host of effects - maybe even just use x86 and treat it like one of those vst boxes or build the effects in CSound so that people can easily add their own.
Analog MIXR?
Bump with all the new analog hype
Analog Mixer would be awesome! This combined with Overbridge, analog EQ & Dynamics and step sequencer for external MIDI.
Let’s count current products outs…
- 4 OT outs
- 9x2 AR outs through USB
- 5x2 A4 outs through USB
Analog MIXR should have at least 32 INs, maybe some through USB audio…
Add latest HEAT + DRIVE techno (EQ, ENV follower, filters, saturation)…
And knobs !!! Lots of them. Or even motorized faders, let’s dream
Wonder what kind of price tag we would get for this
I liked it more when Elektron boxes were self contained and you could pretty much do a complete track using just one box if you wanted. I don’t have desk space for numerous different boxes that all do one thing…
A full equippped drummachine with real hands-on control like a lot of analog boxes. Yes, it will be big… nice.
No more selecting per track or voice.
Probably like $99999
Only if it takes the shape of a Delorean !
Agreed. I’m a collector and all but I have to be wise with my desk space. I’m waiting on the other box reveals. This new white box and that three band EQ would be a great tool for doing aux sends from my xdesk.
I remember a similar thread where i said effects… i was right
Hear, hear! I hope Rytm mkII has re-sampling and at least basic MIDI sequencing, like the ability to make minor triad dub-techno stabs. That would go a long way towards making it more standalone or to be paired with a small affordable synth.
I’d like the ability to send midi scenes with the AR scenes. That would be awesome
Not big fan of disto but happy about product releases. Man, someone very close to Elektron told me last week something like “…oh, you also play guitars? maybe you’ll be happy” So then I asked what about an Octatrack2. He didn’t really answered but there was a smile on his face
Don’t do this to me.
Just. Don’t.
[quote=“Sticky_Knob, post:71, topic:32606”]
Not big fan of disto but happy about product releases. [/quote]
Same here
Pretty exciting ^^
Locking the dough…
I got 1500 US ready to go just in case this happens.
Was my perception, dont wanna create a false buzz