Who's using a Qunexus and how?

I am using the qunexus with midi expander.

Octatrack out to midi expander. Cv out of qunexus to modular. Works pretty well for one track. I get one gate and 3cv this way. Plocked cv control! Wicked!

I did however try the expert sleeper fh1 with this combo and it works great! Adding 8 channels of gate/cv to the setup… Really sick!

How did you get it to work in this setup?
I have OT, A4, Rytm and just got Qunexus.
Before the Nexus I just had the gear setup OT MIDI OUT>Rytm IN, Rytm THRU > A4 IN.

If I go Qunexus directly into the A4 it works perfectly. (OT + rytm aren’t hooked up)

If I have it go to OT IN with my normal chain (OT MIDI OUT>Rytm IN, Rytm THRU > A4 IN) it doesn’t do anything.

Tried going OT OUT > Rytm IN, Rytm THRU > MidiXpander IN, MidiXpander OUT > A4
That kills the MIDI on the A4 (no clock from OT etc) But the Qunexus controls it fine in this setup.

Any advice?[/quote]
I missed the notification on this…sorry for the late reply, did you get it working? Basically, it should just be about auto-channel config and whatnot…I can hit everything in the system from kb and it goes into the OT…I’ve run MIDI straight to A4 and Rytm and everything else and also run MIDI to A4 and then thru to Rytm for example no problems…I even interface into modular and use kb on that too (not using the CV outs on kb)

Hi all

Wanted to check with users on a couple of things before I go ahead on this And possibly midi expander too:

  1. Does it have a separate psu allowing me to use it without a computer or is it all USB powered?

  2. I have an Iconnect midi2+. Would this work like the expander, power the unit and hook up to my DIN hardware?

thanks for your help

[quote=““Terrific Broth””]
Hi all

Wanted to check with users on a couple of things before I go ahead on this And possibly midi expander too:

  1. Does it have a separate psu allowing me to use it without a computer or is it all USB powered?

  2. I have an Iconnect midi2+. Would this work like the expander, power the unit and hook up to my DIN hardware?

thanks for your help

  1. It can be bus powered if you’re using a computer but to use without a computer you need the midi expander, which requires a psu.
  2. I think only the iconnect 4 has usb host capabilities.
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Thanks Anfim

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ok, so i’ve tried to get into using qunexus with a4 once again, with pressure and tilt functions mapped to modulation wheel or breath controller or aftertouch settings… and it’s pretty tricky to play, cause if you map filter resonance to pressure, for example, it’s always somewhere in the middle, not from zero value. so as you playing, you don’t get the same results, as with a4 keyboard…
i mean, guys, how do you use it? or do you use pressure and tilt stuff at all?

also i turned pitch bend stuff off, cause it gets so difficult to play in key.

Try A4 Perf settings on filters if you can.

yeah, it’s just i’m thinking that it’s so much better to get arturia keystep, for complimenting a4

I’m happy with my Korg Tk49. Good sync arp, good pads, standalone, very customizable. No after touch.

Sounds great…tell me more about setting the QN up with the AF? Please be specific…much appreciated…John

I’ll try—I have an Analog Keys now since selling the A4 some time ago. The Keys has the level of expression I wanted out of the A4 + QN pairing; it’s keybed with aftertouch plus mod/breath/pitch joystick works really well.

When I did run the A4 + QN, the MIDI Expander simply connected to the A4 via MIDI DIN, as you’d expect. I didn’t have to do anything with the QN itself in terms of setup. Overall, when I first got the QuNexus I did mess around with some of its settings using the app on my Mac. Primarily the touch sensitivity settings—the default curve was not giving me a pleasing range of input. It felt too quick to ramp between my typical playing pressure and WHOA FULL Values. I tweaked the curve to suit my playing style, which made it much easier to get more nuanced expression from the A4, e.g. Modulation from 0 - 64 on any given patch.

Ultimately, the Keys was just more immediate, more aligned to actual performance needs. I haven’t used the QN for anything since, expect perhaps for some rare, just-for-fun noodling on an iPad synth app.

Thanks so much; I appreciate you getting back to me…I will tweak the QN settings as you suggest!

Possibly a really stupid question, but I’ve just found a KMI Qunexus in a cupboard!
As it’s supposedly Class Compliant, would I be a be able to use a micro USB to female USB joined with a standard micro USB cable and use it to control the M:C for example, or any synth with midi over USB?

I believe you still neeed a MIDI host. If you have a Raspberry Pi kicking around you can use it as a host. I flashed this image on an rPi 3 and it works flawlessly for me.

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