There’s no limitations. People are mostly uploading sketches and not arrangements.

I have a (possibly somewhat stupid) question: I want to supply my Seqtrak and my MIDI keyboard with power, but also play the Seqtrak with the keyboard at the same time. Is a USB hub the solution? I don’t have one here at the moment, otherwise I would try it out myself.

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A USB hub works. A powered USB hub will supply both devices with power. A non-powered hub will power the keyboard from the Seqtrak.


Thanks. So I have to let the USB “input” of a (powered) hub unconnected, connect the Seqtrak and the Arturia to the USB “outputs”?

Quotations marks because the USB ports are bidirectional :wink:

I use this one

Connect the hubs USB C cable to Seqtrak, then devices into the hub.

@krunchr on the Seqtrak web page there is a pdf of confirmed compatible hubs.

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This. Once you connect the hub, every device you connect to it can be used by the Seqtrak.

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I tried this Apple thing from my iPad. It’s basically the same, but doesn’t work.

UPDATE: For whatever reason, it now works with the Apple adapter.

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What I noticed is sometimes the order you connect can help, if I had a power source connected to hub before the Launchpad the LP would not start.


Sometimes a cold start helps when connecting new USB devices or connecting them when the power is off.


Together with the MIDI adapter this became a clunky amount of f*cking dongles

I agree. I only used the MIDI adapter to see if it worked. I try to use MIDI over USB whenever possible. However, I do like having the option of using 5-pin MIDI as well.

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One thing that is a bit of a downer is that wanting to use a USB midi controller while tethered to tablet seems not to want to work so far. I’d be interested to know if you guys have any luck here - why it is useful is for recording the audio with the visuals and using the midi controller for CCs during performance.

I tried with the hub connected to Seqtrak and to the tablet, but so far no luck.

Didn’t someone once ask for a quick reference sheet? Well, here is one …

Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-04 um 13.24.34

Seqtrak Quick Reference.pdf (741.4 KB)


I just tried it. It will work if you use a powered USB hub. I think having the iPad and a controller connected might pull too much power. I currently have a controller keyboard and iPad connected to the Seqtrak using a little hub. It didn’t work until I connected the hub to a small powerbank and then everything worked as expected with the visualizer and MIDI control.



It should work for your hub if you connect power to the PD IN port.

Anyone explored the Ducker much? Does it work like standard side chaining?

Yeah. It works well and there are different settings accessible from the hardware. You can go deeper using the app and change the compressor types.

As far as I’m aware, the only downside is that currently, the ducker only uses the kick as the sidechain input.

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I’d be curious to learn a bit more about the ducker and compressor versions. Not much documentations there. And comps are still a bit of a dark science for me…

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Great, thanks.

I see in the manual that to resample we have to choose “resample” as the input source. But do we also get to choose the destination as to where the resample is saved, ie, can we choose to resample directly to a sampler slot, or is it automatically saved as a file that we then need to load into the sample slot? Just wondering where my sidechained resamples will live.

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There’s information about the different compressors on the Seqtrak data sheet.

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