Your Commitment to Releasing Something in 2024

Released my first EP last August. Started to work on the second one and want to release it this year. There’s also two tracks that will form a different EP that I‘d like to finish this year, but it’s a bit more complicated, so this has to wait a bit.

There’s also material from my duo that we wanted to work out, but my partner unfortunately has to take care of more important stuff right now. Would love to see us get back to this. And then there’s another band-like constellation that could produce material.

So without putting too much pressure on myself: this should be quite a productive year. Although it always takes more time than I think to „finish“ music.

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The electronic thing is done, but it’s gonna take some time before it gets out in the wild. Some art and a/v things missing, but yeah. I’ll probably drop a dub thing come summer as I got sidetracked a bit last weekend. Feels good.


Hey bro, we’re bros right? We’ve been in each other’s pocket, right?

Can you msg me a sneak preview of this upcoming release? Surely, if you’re like me, you’ve got your private soundcloud playlist of the upcoming release?

Can a brother get an exclusive sneak peak at that treasure? Summer is a long way away bro :cry:

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Hey, sorry, I don’t have anything online anymore outside of what’s on BC / Streaming services. In future I am going to look into a few different options for sharing some edits/variations for those interested.

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Never a mistake!

I’m in. I’ve certainly spent enough on gear in 2023 that I should make some use of it!


I’m also in. I played a live set in 2023, which was a big step outside of my comfort zone, and it went well! New goal for 2024 is to have a finished ep by year’s end.

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Hi all,

I was in a band that was doing ok but was ended by the pandemic. Since then I’ve been making techno on my own. I think it’s time I put some of it online, so here it is.



Ok, shit’s sorted out now and the electronic thing will be out on 9th of February! Video is done and you can check it here (unlisted at the moment, but will be properly public on Monday 5th). There will be 6 tracks total, all of them somewhere on the hardcore / dnb spectrum.

NOTE: The video features a fuckton of flickering images etc. so Epilepsy warning applies.

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I had a band the last ~2 years. We played out and released a little EP last year, but everyone got flaky, so I think that’s pretty much done. On top of that, I’m losing my jam buddies of 6+ years to the West Coast. So, I’m definitely on the lookout for new opportunities. That’s the great thing about the Washington DC region, no shortage of folks making music.

I’ve picked back up guitar and bass, and I’ll be auditioning for a new project with a decent singer. He seems interested in recording. We’ll see how that goes.

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Offloading/ salvaging some more “experimental” left field type stuff that’s been on the hard drive for ages before it gives up the ghost and Cubase 5’s wav indexing gets any more messed up than it already is.


Finished two new tracks this weekend. Dedicating 6 hour sessions each day to focus on finishing stuff has been great. Pack away all distractions and get finishing :slight_smile:


Hurrah! Go get 'em!

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I’ve had a strange synth techno-pop (?) album I made mostly on the Digitone sitting on my hard drive since September 2023, and I just didn’t get around to do some artwork for the cover that fits the music. But now that that’s done, it’s ready to go on Bandcamp some day next week.
Then I have a very hard to describe videogame prog rock (??) album that’s only missing vocals on 4 of the 7 songs that I’m planning to wrap up in the next few months. Made mostly on the op-1f and m8 with lots of guitar. I think that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever worked on, so I don’t want to rush it, but it would be nice to have it out by June.
There might be more collaborative stuff brewing, but more releases would just be a nice bonus for me in 2024.

Edit: here’s the DN record: C-Sections - An album made mostly on the DN using midi-loopback


I really want to do something new this year. Had a small release last year with something really unexpected.

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A few days late of official release(I had to spend the past few days wrapping up the branding for this one(and the project)), but this is this month’s episode for my project

Listen to Episode 3 - Love Life by Meat Team on #SoundCloud


I have so much stuff ready to release and in the pipe. Finishing up an ambient album and then maybe an EP but also working on another movie soundtrack… My few supporters might get sick of me after 2024 lol

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Got three tracks ready to go for my first Bandcamp release, two of which originate from my Jamuary sessions. Probably going to make it a four track ep, because the tracks share a similar feel and vibe, and I would want a wider colour palette for an album release.

I hope to put out a few releases this year.


I’m finally dropping, as the young folks say, my first solo release on Friday.

It’s going to be out on all the usual platforms, streaming and BandCamp.
I’ll post links and info when it’s online but just wanted to say that I’m really happy that I finished it and being able to live up to my previous commitment in this thread.

I really hope you all push through with your goals for releasing your music. Even when you might have doubts or think that it’s too big a task to finish, mix, master, create videos and social media promotion. I surely been through all these doubts and many times almost gave up on it and just wanted to start a new jam on my latest toy.

But it really feels great now that I’m on the other side of the work load and actually have the opportunity to start something fresh again.


Great! I’d love to check it out when it’s released. :slight_smile:

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