Your favourite way to mangle sounds on OT

I’ve made lots of loop chains from looped synth phrases.

These are about 2 bars each loop, 64 loops per chain. So each start point gets you a unique loop.
What I like doing with these is starting them on weird steps, like step 4, or 7, and then use trigless locks on subsequent steps to automate fx, pitch, LFO depth, etc.

It’s kind of the opposite of slicing, as there is less resolution when using the sample start point (1 of the 64 slices is a whole new loop, not a tiny slice of a single loop), but it has made me lean on trigless locks and *conditional trigless locks as well, reimagining my use of the other steps. Mangling in less obvious, less glitchy sounding ways. Which has really helped me push the sequencing on all of my Elektrons.