OT- flex slot sample ERROR

suP suP…After using the OT for over a year I just came across this problem… When saving a sample that I just recorded using “save and assign sample” from the audio editor page, then “assign to free flex” everything was business as usual until I went to the flex sample slot were the sample was saved and it said “ERROR” or “ERROR. file not found” after trying this several times and rebooting.

…Before this happened, I did delete some samples from he flex slots to clean up unused samples…I think this May have something to do with it?

I tried everything I could think of to get my OT working properly, and the only thing that worked was going to “personalize” and changing the setting to save samples to the project folder instead of the audio pool…

Also, none of the samples I saved that were getting the “ERROR” were anywhere to be found in the audio pool. Tried searching for answers and the only thing I could find was this old thread http://www.elektronauts.com/t/how-to-clear-rec-buffer-memory/1741 where it seems a few peeps had a similar problem, but there was no resolution.


Even though you recorded to Track ‘x’ buffer, was the flex recorder actually assigned to the track? If you still had another flex slot assigned instead & that contained one of your deleted samples it could explain this behaviour.

I cleared all the buffers, and assigned buffer 1 to track 1 with flex machine, buffer 2 to track 2 with flex machine, etc…also saved the part after doing that, and was still getting the errors