This is a follow up to this thread Program change messages not handled as expected
Long story short: I wanted to use program changes in combination with the ‘Direct Jump’ pattern mode to create e.g. breakbeats via the AR, record that into a sequencer, edit the data, then replay it.
The problem is that the (fast) ‘pattern juggling’ you can do on the AR itself can neither be recorded via MIDI, nor does the AR accept such fast pattern changes.
Elektron is aware of this issue but says it’s not easy to fix.
Then I realized that there might be a better way to implement this kind of workflow:
I want to propose a new ‘rearrange recording’ mode that records the currently played steps, including existing trigs and controller changes (new trigs) into a temporary pattern buffer (the pattern ‘clipboard’).
The recorded steps are always copied from the pattern that is currently being replayed.
The new recording mode is entered by pressing [Retrig] + [Record] + [Play] (this combo seems unused right now).
Recording is stopped (without stopping the entire replay) by pressing [Record] or [Play] (i.e. just like ‘live recording’).
The clipboard with the recorded data can be pasted to any pattern, just like you’d paste a copied pattern.
Alternatively, instead of adding a new recording mode, the existing ‘live recording’ mode could be used instead.
The only drawback would be that any existing clipboard data would be overwritten once live recording starts (not a big deal I guess).
With this recording mode, you could capture any breakbeats / glitches / fills / variations you create by jumping between patterns, and even edit the resulting new pattern afterwards.
Naturally, patterns created this way can also be used in another ‘rearrange recording’ run (recursion! head explodes!)
Since this would work without any external sequencers or additional MIDI messages, it would also much better fit into the AR workflow.
What do you think ? Wouldn’t that be totally ace ?!