606 (and Clones) Love

Anybody else in here?
A completely underrated the machine.

First contact was a TR6 in 2020. Returned it, as I was super annoyed by the low volume of the clap (could have been solved easily - due to the external Clap out and an external mixer, but I didn’t have that solution in mind at that time).

Was always dreaming of an original TR-606, but was somewhat dissapointed when I received one from Reverb. Expensive, scratching volume poti (I explicitly asked the seller about any issues). Even a modded device having individual outputs. Here, output levels were heavily misbalanced and the hats were super loud compared to the rest. All in all not very pleasing for an expensive machine, where some buttons also started to get flimsy (I know - it’s an old machine :roll_eyes:).
I returned it.

THEN I stumbled across an Acidlab Drumatix and couldn’t be happier.
Really deep kicks with a long decay. Also adjustable hi-hat decay adds a lot of value for me. Toms and Clap even bette than expected!
Hats and Cymbals metallic and clangy - but not just pure noise like the OG TR-606 (might be also a related to the device itself). Heard that each 606 sounds different.

Talking about noise -in this Amazona article the machine was described as very noisy (translatable), which prevented me to get one when the device was distributed regularly:

I was positively surprised that my machine is really quite (might be an issue of early production units?)

Reminds me of the 608 :smile:

Well cosmetics are a bit early 2000s-like, which is ok for me, but probably not everybody’s taste :grin: :innocent:
Fits perfectly into a XOXBOX setup.


I love the Sound of wie 606 aswell,
Snare and Hats always sound great in any mix!

Its nice that the acidlab one has a clap/rim aswell!

I have the 6m0d6 in eurorack :slight_smile: It has individual outs, really opens it up for processing


Love my TT606.
Sounds great, more depth than the original in terms of both sound and sequencing.
I also picked it up for a bargain price!


A dream on 24 HP - which is not much space compared to what you get.
Build quality looks stunning :heart_eyes:

Love the 606.

I have the Roland TR-8 but feel the hats sound a bit off on it, especially the ch/oh combo. The ability to tweak the sounds is great, though.

Recently picked up an RD-6 and love it. The low clap doesn’t bother me as I’m using individual outs, and I think there’s a pretty easy mod for it. I’m tempted to do the other maffez mods on it, too, we’ll see. The two trigger outs are so much fun, too.

I’ve been tempted to get an Acidlab 606 (and the 808, too). Glad to hear you’re enjoying yours!

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Lotsa 606 love here.

I have made a ton of tracks with the original. The convenience of MIDI on the RD-6 is nice, too.


Soo tasty :heart_eyes:

Meanwhile individual outs are mandatory for me :roll_eyes:

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Absolutely love the TR-606, got one about 20 years ago, it was bit dirty and the plastic was all melted on one side but and its still going strong today and I still use it a lot in my music, writing little loops to sample and slice in other machines. I wouldve loved an 808 but the 606 is very much it’s cheeky little brother.

Its an absolute mainstay of electro and IDM, got a playful toy like quality to the sound, an extremely satisfying pop to the snare, pillow-like softness to the kick and a right sizzle on the hihats. Its not a heavy hitter and is one of the most lightweight of the TR series but sometimes thats just what you need if youre looking for some Kraftwerk style uber synthetic robo beats.

Never really looked into a potential replacement or clone (but I do often scout for new samples of it) Eventually I will probably have to replace it when it packs in, had my eye on the TR-06 for familiarity but might have to go with one of the true analogue clones.

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Oh nice a 606 thread. I love the sound of this thing, so cutting and piercing throught the mix.

I never had one to myself but my label partner gave me his for a quite long period of time and I loved playing with it and modular.

I did a round robin sample pack from it for those who might be interested, alongside a compilation of tracks using by some friends and myself. It’s free to help yourself, there is a ready to use Ableton Drum Rack coming with it.


those are not noise…!!!


Some Friday jams. :t_rex:

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606 oooooooooooooutbuuuuurst

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