Now we have 4-voice unison on the A4 has anyone managed to create a supersaw-type sound? I’ve been trying but haven’t really come up with that sound.
offsetting the fine tuning of each the oscillators +/- 12 cents plus bit of chorus should do the job. even without unison engaged. uniquely the A4 can PWM saw waves. it’s a kind of pseudo PWM (as PWM usually only applies to square waves) that fattens things up a bit too. with unison engaged it’ll be proper
[quote=“” Cocker""]
offsetting the fine tuning of each the oscillators +/- 12 cents plus bit of chorus should do the job. even without unison engaged. uniquely the A4 can PWM saw waves. it’s a kind of pseudo PWM (as PWM usually only applies to square waves) that fattens things up a bit too. with unison engaged it’ll be proper
Yes that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing as that’s how I program it on my Virus C but it just doesn’t sound anywhere near as impressive. I was hoping that Unison would help. The only thing different is that my Virus has FM modulation which has a handy sweetspot I use for supersaws. I also tend to use 8-voices.
I think there is a “Roland” button on the A4 if I recall correctly…
Just had a quick go there to see what I came up with.
Is there a way to use unison and poly at the same time on the A4 ?
Couldn’t get it going. Any ideas how to do this anyone ?
Made a few quick snips though
Not quite the classic supersaw, but close enough and unique in it’s own right
Unison Saw :
And some Poly Saw for good measure :
Was tempted to add some Eventide Reverb but I thought that would be cheating
I made a properly huge supersaw last night. Set it up for 4 voice Unison in the polyphony menu, put the detune to about 16 and the stereo spread to max. Thicken it up further by using the Saw wave PWM which according to the manual adds a second, detuned saw wave to the oscillator. It was already sounding pretty big at this point. Then engage the second oscillator, use the same or similar settings from oscillator 1, fine tune it slightly away from the first OSC. Listen for that sweet spot where it thickens but before it gets all phasey. I thought it was a great sounding supersaw, and there is something thrilling about having an analog supersaw. I think it’s one of the only synths that can do that.
Wow I figured it out, made a great supersaw patch! Sounds better than my Virus
Can share the Sysex if anyone is interested
Please share! I have a Virus coming tomorrow!
should answer your question
i think he’s talking bout using neighbor tracks there. i haven’t tried that before. must have a go soon
It seems that the only way to save a patch that uses Poly or Unison is as a Kit. I know we can export Sounds as Sysex for sharing but can we export a Kit? I guess this is the same for patches that use Neighbour tracks.
yea sure, kits have sysex too.
what’s the other only synth which can do this?
[quote=“” void""]
yea sure, kits have sysex too.
I’ve got C6 open and waiting to receive. On the A4 I’ve gone to Global/Sysex Dump/Sysex Send/Kit/Kit Name then hit Yes/Save and it says Complete but nothing is shown as received in C6. I checked C6 config and it’s definitely connected in/out to A4. Any ideas?
hmm… don’t have the a4 around but it should work… last time i checked, it definitely did.
I just tried turning the A4 off/on (while still connected to USB), but still no joy.
I also tried sending a Sound by Sysex from both the Global menu route and the Sound Manager but again nothing.
I also just tried with Sysex librarian and again it’s showing its connected to the A4 but nothing is received.
I think it’s the A4 not sending the Sysex (even though it shows as complete). Can someone confirms whether this works for them with the latest A4 firmware. Could just be me though LOL
make sure you have Midi+USB as a destination, even though it sounds +ve
Ah, that was it. Didn’t have MIDI+USB selected in MIDI Port Config. Thanks
So finally here is the Supersaw patch I made last night (with thanks to Void and avantronica for helping me export it!)
Make sure you play around with the Filter cutoff and the Amp envelope depth and release to taste.
Let me know what you think
[link now dead - download from link in post below]
Cool thanks!