I am a big fan of distortion, I probably spend a lot of time fiddling with sounds to fuck them up a bit. To me the electron boxes (DT/DN/ST) I have are a bit tame on the distortion front, and it might be nice to have something to add distortion to a clean sound, rather than make a messed up sound if you get my drift.
I know the Heat is a way to go, but I feel it’s maybe too much money for me for what function it would serve (by which I mean, I can’t afford it) - if it could handle various signals (like 6in 6 out) then it would be a no-brainer.
I was thinking g adding some pedals to the mix might be a way to go… anyone got experience to adding distortion to various instruments in a setup? On a budget!
My dream would be to make a synth that gave you the same feeling as the guitars in L.Ron by barkmarket.
Disclosures and notes
I probably won’t buy anything unless it’s cheap, what with the end of the world coming, just a fun discussion daydream
I am not requesting the heat has or does anything else, nor saying it’s not good value - just that I would need more utility it if I were to spend 600.
I just picked up an OBNE Screen Violence, and I’m pleasantly surprised by the distortion (which sounded a bit tame in a lot of the demos). I really like my JPTR FX Double Jive, too, but it is very noisy, which is sometimes nice “character” and sometimes really annoying. That’s just the stereo stuff I use, since you mentioned stereo sources.
If you’re looking for six inputs… maybe an old Boss mixer. The BX… something? It’s sort of famous for adding distortion when you push the gain. (And they can be found for not a lot of money. There are other mixers in this category, too. The old Mackie 1202 had a similar quality if I remember correctly.)
I use the electro harmonix Hot Wax and the ibenez Tube Screamer on my analog synths and they sound nice. I’m going for rich harmonics and feedback, these do the trick with my Moogs. On my digis I don’t bother. I can get feedback sounds from the Digitone
I like watching that guy, Oscillator Sink. He’s calm and super into this stuff. He has some really creative videos.
I’ve been wanting to get an Analog Heat for a long time now, mostly because I want stereo and there aren’t many pedals that have stereo, but this KGB pedal sounds dope – it makes me wonder if I truly need stereo as well. And I’m aware the the Heat is more than just distortion – the filter and envelope follower add a ton of functionality to the box too.
I don’t do much on the computer, but I have Minimal Audio Rift, which I paid for and I think i like the free NE Ruina more! I think it’s a really good distortion plugin
If you don’t need it to be stereo just go to the pawn shop and buy the cheapest distortion/fuzz/boost/overdrive/whatever you can find. If you don’t like that one trade it back and get yourself the next cheapest. There is no need to overthink or overspend on distortion until you’re well versed.
Buy second hand Behringer td-3’s and fed your signal thru the audio input and use the distortion and even the filter if it’s needed. You get some 303’s as bonus. Not more expensive as some pedals and they include powersupply’s