Wondering if anyone has had success using AirPods to monitor the USB audio out of an Electron box?
I can record audio into my iPhone/iPad from the USB audio out. And can play back through the Electron box from the iPhone/iPad. But I’ve not had luck simply trying to monitor the USB output thru the AirPods.
Test: I have the USB cable plugged into the iPhone using a CCK adapter. Once the cable is plugged in, the AirPods disconnect. I’ve also tried setting up AUM, but can’t select the AirPods as an audio out.
I am no AUM power user but it looks like you can only use one audio source for output…
I tried on my iPad Air 2 and I could not select the internal speaker as output when the DT is connected… but I can connect headphone via the 3.5mm it still has and it works… and when I then connect my AirPods Pros they do work… very cool… of course the latency totally sucks, but for jamming kinda interesting.
Thanks for pointing me towards this
Maybe if you use a lighting to 3.5mm adapter or something like that it will allow this on an iPhone as well…
… And now that I disconnect the headphones it still work so maybe the whole connecting headphones etc. is totally unnecessary
On iOS you can only have one audio device connected at a time. In your case, the Elektron box is that device.
If you have an old iOS device with a headphone jack, you can use the AudioBus app to use that jack as a second output, but this is the only exception to the one-USB-device-at-a-time rule.
Also, even if you could get the AirPods to work as a second audio device, you’d have a delay thanks to Bluetooth latency.
That’s my experience as well. the other way around works fine. That is, using then digitakt as a way to connect studio headphones to an iPad. But that’s a solution which has more rather than less wires
I just found this after Googlling and wanting to do the same thing (I think). Here’s what I just got to work…
iPhone 15 Pro (so, USB-C) connected via USB-C cable to Polyend Tracker Mini (which does audio over USB-C). Airpods Pro 2 connected to iPhone.
I tried recording the Tracker Mini using the Just Press Record iOS app (one I’ve used for years), no dice. It recorded the device, but I could not monitor while recording.
Then I launched Garageband, and it does everything right outta the box. In the settings, there’s even an option to run in background which allowed me to use other apps and even lock my iPhone’s screen… still monitoring!
Talk about a hack. This is going to change my workflow completely.
I tried this but as soon as i connect the USB it defauts the audio out to the USB as well and cuts the bluetooth out. Do you remember how you managed it to not happen?