AKAI Force

This is the latest I see…

Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 09.45.41

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Where did you find this info?

I’m part of the beta-test community

Ok cool, though I wish there was more specific info. Like how is it more stable?
What type of performance tweaks?

unfortunately Akai is often not very detailed

Akai isn’t organized either, look at the Force download section on their site. Why do us like that. It’s easy to miss something.

Not many companies are detailed really unless they’re announcing tangible features, ‘increased stability’ is all you need to know as a user… I get that it’s a bit of an anticlimax to not see new features when there’s an update but at least you know there are devs working behind the scenes.

They could & should still put out the release notes.

  • I always assume devs are working behind the scenes
  • It’s more efficient to let users know what issues are solved, they can validate and don’t have to guess what is and what is not solved.
  • It builds user trust when being transparent about it.

A great example is the Dirtywave M8 community. A great example of the contrary is Akai/Inmusic

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Exactly, like how do we know they just ain’t blowing smoke?
Or maybe all that Jura money is paying off. They sell a new plug we get more updates. Nice but, tell us what it is.

Because guys like you will pester the life out of them… it’s opening a can of worms from a business perspective. :partying_face:

The bigger question to me is, why do they not specify what they tweaked related to stability and performance. From a marketing and trust perspective this is a missed opportunity. As a company I would be highly motivated to let the community know what I did. So people can experience the benefits of it. Also, within they beta community you enable testers to check if it works as intended OR if any related issues have popped up.

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Wanting to know the release note for an OS is pestering. OK :thinking:

David and Goliath scenario though, right?
It’s like comparing your local independent store to Costco.
I get your point, but they’re different entities and that approach from a small business is part of their USP.

They definitely didn’t improve anything and are just blowing smoke. I’m also a beta tester so can confirm.

Dude went biblical, man we’re talking about Akai not putting out release notes. What is Akai too good for that? Stability & performance tweaks - What the hell is that? Reminds of welfare food back in the 80’s in the US when they had the big white box of cereal or w/e & all that was written on the box was “Cereal” in big bold black letters. Don’t do us like that :cry:

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Akai better watch their step…:joy:

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:grin: not sure where you’re going with the welfare over-sensitivity… my point is don’t waste your time worrying about tweak/stability updates, pay attention when something meaningful comes along that you can actually use (features). Why waste your time otherwise??
It can make music right now, right? A tweak update doesn’t impact that, right?
More music. Less microscope.

But, whatever floats your boat. :v:

The welfare thing was a joke that that you didn’t get, don’t worry about it.

How are you gonna tell someone what to focus on & what not to worry about & then tell that same person do whatever float your boat. If you really felt that way then you shouldn’t have replied on the first place.

You gave your opinion why it’s not important & martin gave reasons why it important for them to be more specific. I can focus on major features & asks for better release notes. :v:t5: