AKAI Force

Yup, I seen that post, but for some folk may not him, will never be happy. Oh well, sucks for them.

This one may make him feel better.

Another sound test by Tonelab.

IMO the 1200 emulation wasn’t really that close as the 3k emulation from his other video, because of the sample-rate & bit-depth difference, but I think it could’ve been if he had used a LPF & bit-crusher to match the signal. Now for the 1200-Ring :grimacing: its not even a little bit close & its was kinda insulting that they put that in there to be release to users in that state. It can be used as a weird FX for synths or whatever. Hopefully he’ll used the MPC sound shaping tools to match the signals better in another demo.

What do you think?

MPC X vs SP1200 Sonic Shoot Out - by Tonelab

I think peepo be splitting hairs to much andd in the gande scheme of tings, 'aint nobody really gonna notice or care except fer all the haterz that think Akai broke there hearts and aint the same and the new mpc’s suck compared to old. Those peepo will never change der minds. Meanwhile we keep making dope ass music and have all the phat plugins and new effect. These new mpc sound so much better and can do so much more than that old shit.


Nostalgia is one hell of a drugđŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


Not sure how anyone can accurately judge anything from a compressed youtube audio file. He needs to take a hint from loopop and show us:

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Right, but you can still use your ears & they both get the same YT comp, so they’re evenly crappy :grin: when being tested.

my ears can lie
and what my ears hear are not the same as what anothers ears hear
the graphing does not lie.
if youre gonna prove how close audio is, show it with science, not a ‘decide for yourself’

personally, its all close enough for jazz and no one cares, nor says, “ya know
i can tell that he is using the vintage plugin and not a real 3k.”

I bet E-A Ski would fail this test too.

And while im in the Force thread

The force has always been kinda on my radar a wee bit, but I seem to notice an uptick in them on the used market. Is that me or have there always been a fair amt
and im seeing them as cheap as in the 600-700$ range.

has it always been this way, or is this a result of the push3, or am i just talkin’ cray cray?

I haven’t checked it out but if not close, does it have a similar effect or does it sound good?

For me it doesn’t need to sound the dame, just in same ball park and as long as it sounds good.

Kind of like using Akaizer for the time stretch effect, it doesn’t need to sound the same but just have the effect

This is a simple sound comparison test. Basically, does it sound close to the source. Your ears are all you need for this. Anything more precise is doing too much & missing the point. Sorry you don’t have confidence in your ears enough for this simple test. But, luckily there nothing stopping you from doing a more precise test with the files he provides for download.

It’s best to watch & judge for yourself.

Hey guys, a few weeks in with new Akai Force v3.2.1. Anyone else experiencing strange bugs or know any reasons why the Force keeps disabling Touch Enable in TouchFX?? I had just finished setting up some TouchFX macros on the Mains to play momentary style on a few knobs and the all of a sudden those effects will be gone. Its driving me nuts, cuz Id be practicing a session and randomly a particular FX’s Touch Enable button will be turned off when I go to the Macro Knob to engage it. I keep re enabling it in and it just randomly disables for some reason. Any tips or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!

Whenever I have this kind of strange behaviour on the Force I had accidentally recorded some automation. It’s very easy to miss. You unknowingly engaged the “W” on a track and it will record every knob twist, button press and slider move.

Second, if it’s not that check if you can replicate that behaviour in a new project.

Third, reset the settings and reinstall firmware.

Fourth, downgrade to previous version and report a bug.

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Accidentally recording automation is the #1 pain on the Force, because it’s so easy to do (and if you’re not careful you can also record programmed automation from the envelope followers / LFOs in the macro section, which almost drove me mad the first time it happened). An easy way to check is to load the relevant clip view and check the automation lanes to see which parameters have been recorded. It’s an easy fix, but if you’re anything like me you’ll end up deleting the automation and then immediately recording it again.

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Moog is now under InMusic: https://www.moogmusic.com/news/moog-and-inmusic-new-chapter-innovation-and-collaboration-begins

And the MPC too - that fucking great big screen and they didn’t think to make it immediately obvious when automation recording is on :laughing:

Hey martin01, thanks for responding back. Yeah checked for any recorded automation and disabled it. But funny enough, in another, less FX and sample heavy project I mapped the same TouchFX macros on the Mains (as well as mapped an XYFX on the CrossFader) and boom it kept happening again! Im like 5-6% on CPU and barely 50% on Memory, so something is def screwy/glitchy!

Started a support ticket with Akai Support.

Ill try resetting settings and reinstall firmware idea.

Thanks for the suggestion brotha!

Best MPC/Force mixing playlist - by Crates Motel

His latest demo: Akai MPC Tutorial. Radio Ready Mixes. My Master Bus FX chain for mixing in the MPC. FREE Preset. - YouTube

This 40 min tutorial by Conan AKA The Crates Motel goes deep in on how to use the built-in tools via the Drum FXs & the stock insert FXs. Funny thing is he didn’t even use any of the Flavor FXs to dirty up anything. He did show how to use the Lofi FX to better emulate an SP-1200. But the best thing about this demo was Conan’s wisdom & the mentality needed to get the dirt you want!

Do anyone have tips on getting dirty on the Force?

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The OS 326 is out but no note on it so I don’t know what’s new.

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