Akai MPC 1000 vs / and Octatrack

@rusty you want track mutes, i think?

my mpc1k came with jjos so i can’t comment much on stock OS. although i think you can’t record track mutes, while with jjos you can.

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@jonah love that MPC video you posted

anyone here use pads w/ the OT?



Very convincing video post there…

I’m glad this thread popped up when it did because I’m considering getting another Octatrack, but for some reason I’ve also been gassing for a MPC-1000 with JJOS2XL.

I have a DSI Tempest, and I really like pads. Here’s the pro’s and con’s I’m currently weighing:

Pro OT:

  • Seems more “real time”, i.e. less stopping of the sequencer to do things.
  • Better FX and better for processing external audio
  • Scenes & crossfader are great for doing spontaneous fills & stuff

Pro MPC:

  • I am a drummer, I like hitting pads
  • Can slice in numbers not divisible by 16. (for non-4/4 stuff)
  • MIDI sequencer is more advanced
  • Might eventually replace the Tempest for drums which could open up room for a new synth. (i.e. DSI Prophet 12 Module, etc.)

Both are up against Live 9 / Push which I own and frankly makes it hard for me to justify the purchase of a sampler/sequencer. I can do stuff really easily with Live 9 but perhaps it’s more predictable and less spontaneous.

My goal for 2014 is to get out of my apartment and perform live somewhere. I have a nice MBP and Push which could work well for this, but despite having a brand new sound card & a great computer I do still like the idea of being computer-free when live.

two Otatracks would be cool.

an OT and MPC or Tempest would be great.
(I also love velocity sensitive pads)

anything is better than a computer… I was doing a Laptop live PA using two Jazzmutant Lemurs… I never looked at the computer. I had two drum racks full of VSTs and played them like instruments in real time… very few prerecorded loops at all… but, it was a lot of work just to make a computer act like hardware. So I switched to hardware.

If I could afford it… I would add the Tempest to my OT and Analog 4. and that would give me everything I want.

OT + MPC 1K w/JJOS01 = sampling needs/desires/perversions 100% taken care of!

The MPC 1K is one of the best deals in electronic instruments out there. You can find them steadily around $300-$400 second-hand all day. I spent $275 on mine and have it fully upgraded now and it barely brought me to $500, rounding up. For the functionality, that’s absolutely f*cking insane!

The OctaTrack is a much newer piece of gear, so it will often sound like this too. The effects are a lot nicer sounding, generally speaking, than the MPC’s. The MPC’s timestretch is DEFINITELY archaic in comparison, so much so that I never use it. I always chop & pitch to taste. Much more control that way.

Each machine has it’s perks. I feel that the combination of both is a very powerful sampling workflow. The playability of both is phenomenal in their own regards. Being able to do syncopated stuff on both could lead to some extreme time signature experiments. Having them both MIDI-blasting each other is cool… arps from the OT into the MPC… yes.

Anyway - both! OT first because of price then check into an MPC 1K second-hand.
It’s a match made in audio heaven!

if one already owns an Octatrack… what’s wrong with a MPC 500?

I was thinking it would be a great live performance addition. I know it only has 12 pads. and that it only has one pair of outs… but is there something else missing that the Octatrack can’t take care of?

Not actually true. You can order partsdirect from Yamaha at https://www.yamaha24x7.com/YamahaOMSMI/Landing.aspx - you just create an account but you don’t need to be a dealer or anything. You could in theory build a whole RS7000 from aprts if you were so inclined. I know they’re still selling them because I bought some new chiclet keys a few months back. They’re cheap and ship fast.
It does make life an awful lot easier if you track down the service manuals, but Yamaha after sales are fantastic.

Rusty, I think your issue with the OT and possibly the MPC vs the Yamaha gear is the sequence structure. What you can do with the RS7k but not with the other gear is take the kick from one pattern, mix it with the hi-hat of another and the bassline of a third, and boom, new pattern. Different length phrases? No problem, you get polyrhythms. On the other gear, You can’t play phrases from different patterns at once, you have only one pattern playing at any given moment and if you want to mix elements from different patterns you need to copy and paste them ahead of time into a new one. In this respect they’re much closer tot he Roland model of grid sequencing. I’m not aware of anything besides the Yamaha gear that lets you mix and match individual phrases from different patterns.

Quasimidi stuff does this, they call them “Motifs”. Motifs are independent from patterns. (plus there’s also arp patterns)

Alas, had to give the MPC-1000 I had on loan back yesterday. :sob:

Quite a bit to take on board and get used to some stuff, whilst also trying to heavily road test it in a short space of time. Still, was very grateful for the opportunity to do so.

I’ve actually reconfigured some gear, and some plans, whilst I had the MPC and came up with a scenario/solution that is mind melting… it’s basically impossible to explain, but is amazingly flexible and most importantly fun.

It involves both an Octatrack and a MPC-1000, playing to each of their individual strengths, whilst bypassing thier weaknesses.

Only problem now is there is an MPC sized hole in the setup, so I am definitely in the market to buy one… if you have a MPC-1000 collecting dust that you want to shift, and you’re local to me, PM me

Yes / No / Maybe?

Basically what Anigbrowlsays rings true regarding the differences in structure between the RM1x/RS7000 and the Octatrack/MPC; and this is where my major issue is/was due to the differences in structure / sequences / architechture… can’t wrap my head around the organisation / perceived limitations of the MPC; though I’ll be the first to admit that the issue lies with me / my preceptions as opposed to the gear.

If Unicorn303 can rock a live set with an MPC, and used to use/demo the RM1x… thats good enough for me.

Regardless, I had a lot of jamming out with the “Next Sequence” and “Track Mute” functionality, and am confident I can find a way to work with them that suits me.

Personally I discounted the MPC-500 from the equasion because the benefits it brings (i.e. size factor) are massivly outweighed by the cost (1x Midi, 12 pads, Stereo I/O only etc) in comparison to the MPC-1000. Additionally, the financial saving is minimal.

Really I just can’t see any justification to get the MPC-500 over the MPC-1000; so why bother?

Exactly right, and why I love the RS7000. I find it is so powerful as a midi sequencer; and extremely flexibleto maipulate songs and song sections on the fly.

If it wasn’t for the size, I wouldn’t even bother looking for alternatives.

Thats good to know. Just in case I get an itch to get the RS7000 again. :slight_smile:

if you have an iPad Yamaha’s Mobile Music Sequencer is on sale until the 6th. Just bought it so i can’t say much, but it seems to follow similar setup as their hardware. Appears to be a useful MIDI thing. We’ll see how much a lack of tactile interface hurts.

Sequencing track mutes on the MPC 1k with the OT is too much fun and it seems like kind of an exploded/modular take on what yamaha sequencers do. (which is has it’s pluses and minuses)

to be honest, it kind of feels like that’s what the OTs sequencer was designed to do, because for doing long form sequencing i find the OT’s sequencer is kind of a hassle. On the per pattern or micro level it’s great to jam on the OT’s patterns, mute /resize/arp/parameter lock tracks, record all that into an MPC track, repeat, and then jam on the MPC track mutes either by hand or by MIDI to give structure.

Hi concerning the mpc, i t does have a song fontion, where patterns can be linked together (not unlike the OT)
But in the end i found this unnecessary as each pattern can be ridiculously long (256 mesures from memory (dont have it anymore))
I too came from yamaha, but it didnt take me long to convert to mpc thinking, nor too long to convert to elektron thinking
However i did try an old MPC (grey circa 2000) in 2001 and found it impossible to understand coming from the RM1X
In short great machine;complimentary to the OT ’ i sold mine due to lack of funds, and found the MD more appealing for creating your own sounds)
if ever i would re-buy one i think id get a better model rather than the 1000…

@ Unicorn303
I hope you manage to spend a bit of time with the OT before deciding
It can be daunting at first, but once you break through (and accept what it is)
Its fantastic, morec creative than anything else,
and ive gone though a lot of sequencer/samplers - RM1X-SU10-AKai3000-Motif-MPC1000

I run the MPC 1000 with my Monomachine. They are worlds apart in in terms of ease of use and interface. I use MM for Midi SEQ and the MPC for sampling duties or resampling or long loops, Guitars ECT. If you go the MPC route you really gotta upgrade to the XLCD and the JJOS that comes with it. That was huge improvement for me. Well worth the price and easy to install.
Still you can’t beat the Elektron workflow. Might pick up an Octatrack one day.
MPC is here to stay though.

I haven’t thrown in the towel as yet. Can see the potential in the OT, hope to overcome my frustrations and understand the OT as I do the MPC etc.

Although I love the MPC, really want the OT to replace it in my live rig one day.

I’ve come across an MPC 1000 for a stupidly good price, and am probably going to pull the trigger on it tomorrow morning since I need a hardware sampler and it’s still going to be some time until my OT comes off backorder. Plus, I want to channel my inner Dilla :).

Anyone have any videos using both the OT and MPC 1000? I’d like to get some idea of how people are integrating both into their workflow.

Also, any experience with MPC-Stuff? It’s a demo unit and a bit rough looking (needs a new end, slider caps, and I want to replace the pads anyhow) so I’d like to get parts, but I’ve seen some folks mention long wait periods (6+ weeks).

Reviving this because I’m finally getting an MPC 1000, and I’m curious about how other Octatrack owners have set it up with their OTs. I’m currently thinking OT as master, but am wondering how to get the most out of the MPCs sequencing without overlapping with the Octatrack. Any tips?

Also, I know there was a guy on here who was doing some great OT/MPC 1000 video jams a while back, but I can’t find them. They tended to be on the long side, and some of the time he had another guy jamming with him. Anyone remember these who can link me?

Anyone? I know there are some other MPC users on here…

My first thought was J Tomes?


I had a MPC 2500 & OT combo for a while but I never found a means of using the two together that was satisfactory for my workflow. Ultimately I got rid of the MPC.

I’ve ordered a bunch of pads, spares & parts from MPC-Stuff over the years and they’ve always been fine. Never had to wait for anything.