Akai MPC 1000 vs / and Octatrack

Not really versus per se, more along the lines of “And”

Basically, I hate Elektron’s concept of midi sequencing, and the limitations of 4 notes per step, fixed length etc, it just has never (and probably never will) gel with me; so I’m looking at options for a midi sequencer to pair with my Octatrack.

I’ve got a Yamaha RS7000, which is a beast; (and used to have a RM1x as well) so am used to Yamaha’s way of sequencing. My only real complaint of the RS7000 is the physical size, which leads me to the Akai MPC1000…

Thinking about the 1000 over other models due to form factor, yet ignoring the 500 due to it’s limitations.

I figure it will tick a lot of boxes that the Octatrack fails to do so for me, namely proper midi sequencing, midi file import, polyphony and so forth; and allow me to transfer previously written tracks over easily (midi file import from RS7000/PC) rather then fucking around with the Octatrack.

So… anyone use an Akai MPC-1000 (or other MPC) with their Octatrack?

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I had one for a while. Liked the sound of it, but hated the interface. It won’t exactly give you a lot of visual feedback, for instance. I struggled with the overview of it, knowing which track was where, what notes were on which patterns, which patterns were together with which etc etc. It felt a bit archaic to me coming from using Maschine and an Octatrack, but I guess it all boils down to how you want to use it and how much visual feedback you’re looking for in a MIDI-sequencer.

Rusty, I hear you on the MIDI sequencing. I actually like the Elektron approach for certain things (e.g., coming up with cool rhythmic bass lines…) but sometimes I just want to play in a keyboard part and hear it back the way I played it.

I used to use an MPC1000, but not sure how nicely it works in conjunction with the OT. Like Daisuk, I wasn’t really into the MIDI editor interface, even though it’s more traditional.

I haven’t used them, but if you want something cheap and portable, maybe look into the Yamaha QY MIDI sequencers.

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I think I can deal with the lack of visual feedback, as I tend to be very organised / regimented in my approach… T01 is Kick, T02 Snare, T09 Lead 1, T10 Lead 2 etc; and transpose this menatally to the individual elements.

Add on to the above, a lot of the value-add for me will be the ability to quickly/easily transfer tracks from the pc to the MPC via midi file; and not have to reprogram them around the Elektorn limitations. Basically treat the MPC as a glorified midi sequencer / sample player (which is what she is I guess) in partnership with the Octatrack.

For some things the Elektron way is cool; but for the vast bulk of what I do (or have done on computer) it fails miserably. Multiple tracks with lots of notes, chords of different lengths, lots of program changes etc. I guess just the wy I approach it.

Oh jeez, the old QY sequencers… I remember last looking into those a good 7 years ago now!

Funnily enough, they don’t pop up often locally, and when they do, they run a couple of hundred dollars, so not that cheap on the local market. I think might be better off dropping the extra hundred or so and going with the MPC, getting the advantages of USB, sampling, polyphony etc.

I would go with the mpc 1000. I to had the rs7000 and made some good music with it. For what you want I think the mpc would be spot on. Both boxes do 32 track sequencing which is a plus but the mpc has USB so transferring files to the computer. Also with jjos it’s easier to do step sequencing. It’s a hard choice because rs7000 is such a dope piece, but the mpc is a beast and could be the center of your setup. There’s a lot of upgrades you can get for it I.e. Bigger display, built in harddrive, better rubber pads and replacement parts. With the rs 7000 you’ll have a hard time finding replacement parts for it. I don’t know something to consider as well.

They work surprisingly well together.

With JJOS, The multitimbral modes, and ability to change patterns with a program change allow the MPC to keep pace with the octatrack.

You can one-shot your sequences really easily, and the song mode in the MPC can be synced to the octatrack.

I personally like sequencing on the octatrack a whole lot more. As you mentioned. Though, the ability to just play back what you did is important sometimes.

After awhile though, I found it was just easier to sample what I played into the MPC then play it back as a one shot.

Octa+MPC is a versatile combo for sure.

I have Akai Mpc-1000 with JJOS 3 and one thing I love MPC-1000 over the Octatrack is the fact that the OS gets updated each month and will probably be updated for longer timer than Octatrack.
· Because Elektron will leave their older products behind outdated, like they did to Machinedrum over time.

I find the MPC or another pad sequencer is the way I need to program percussion, for the most part. visualizing a kit on pads and layering up different tracks using 1-2 samples each just makes sense to me vs. visualizing percussion with the linearity of step sequences.

Also like everyone said, the MPC 1000 with JJOS is really good. The stock OS is terrible.

Plus you get 96 tracks on the mpc!! You own the RS7000 right? That’s a little harder to justifying going for an mpc.

Yep, have (and love) RS7000; doubt I will ever sell her; but she’s a big girl, and want something a bit more compact…


I have a black MPC 1000 with new-ish pads and JJ OS sitting in my studio. Hasn’t been used in a while. I tried to sell it on Craigs but the buyer i had turned out to be a dead beat, then I just got lazy about selling it. I think the RAM is also maxed (I can double check if you’re interested).

I can be reached at 12bitlibrarian@gmail.com. I’m located in the US (near Washington, DC).


You’ll want the black one and the pad upgrade from mpcstuff

I’ve been very lucky and actually managed to nab one on loan for a few days from an acquaintance.

Black with standard OS; so just trying to wrap my head around some of the processes and terminology; which is all a bit different.

Already found at least one thing which will drive me nuts, and thats the process around editing notes / grid edit. Clunk as. Hopefully JJOS fixes that.

Going to try and see how I can integrate with the Octatrack now… trying to wrap my head around how to deal with only 99 sequences at a time (used to a lot more on the RS7000)

when you switch to jjos , everything seems so logical and user friendly all of a sudden . grid editing is a breeze . in the original os, note editing is a joke, a very bad unfunny mathematical joke .
i am using the mpc1000 with the A4 and they play along very well . i even sometimes sequence the a4 with the mpc . usually for variations on a track .

I had an MPC with JJOS. I hated it. I didn’t find it logical at all. I feel your pain with poly sequencing but for me it’s just easier to actually play it and sample the audio than to arse around trying to fiddle with an MPC. If I need the midi I can do it in my computer then record that to the OT as audio. Lot’s of people love the mpc and JJOS, I just happened to be one that hated it. I liked the idea but the practical application wasn’t fluid enough.

Agree here, JJOS spec is great and I have it on my MPC1000 but don;t use any of its features as such. I’ve used MPCs since the MPC3000. I recently bought an OT with the intention of the OT somewhat replacing the MPC… not going to happen. Although the OT is far superior in sonic quality, it’s workflow is still a challenge for me. Whereas the MPC workflow is quick to master and results are more immediate IMHO.

Love the RM1x and used to demonstrate here in Australia for Yamaha when it was released… it too has a great workflow and still use it today.

Agree here, JJOS spec is great and I have it on my MPC1000 but don;t use any of its features as such. I’ve used MPCs since the MPC3000. I recently bought an OT with the intention of the OT somewhat replacing the MPC… not going to happen. Although the OT is far superior in sonic quality, it’s workflow is still a challenge for me. Whereas the MPC workflow is quick to master and results are more immediate IMHO.[/quote]
If I get a MPC, I will definitely get one either preinstalled with JJOS, or get it on there ASAP to check out.



The bit I am really struggling with on the MPC at the moment is quite conceptual… I’m used to the Yamaha methodology from RM1x’s and RS7000’s; versus the Akai concept, maybe you can help?

On the RS7000, it was all so easy, 64 songs each with 16 parts, 16 tracks with a i[/i] unique phase per track. So very easy to split a song into 16 parts, and limit to 16 phrases, allowing every single element of my track/pattern to be available, and this would allow non stop playing for hours.

On the MPC, I’m not wrapping my head around how I can leverage the 99 sequences / 64 tracks limit in a similar fashion?

I’ve had a play around with the “Next Seq” and “Track Mute” functions; and these look pretty cool, but in my head I envisage an MPC Sequence to equate to a RS7000 Pattern, in this sense 99 sequences are quite limited. Obviously I’ve thought about using using 4 groups of 16 tracks per sequence, and track mutes to bring in/out elements / song sections.

Another alternative is to utilise either the transition trick, or a sync box, and simple stop the MPC, load up a new set of sequences and away we go again. In that scenario I would use the “Next Seq” function (or program change) and work it as if 4 songs with 16 parts/sequences, or 8 songs with 8 parts/sequences.

Am I missing something obvious? Or is it just the case that the RM1x/RS7000 is just a far superior machine to the MPC? (From a live sequencing/arranging point of view)

hi Rusty

Not sure I understand your question and/or its a difficult question to answer. Hard to see how 99 sequences can be limiting for a live artist? You’d be pushed to play more than 20 songs/tracks/sequences in a live PA situation. (Only speaking from experience - with my average live PA going for 60 mins). You might be getting a little confused without actually being familiar with the MPC.

Generally (am I mean very fucking generally) Yamaha/RM1x squencer workflow is limited in comparison to Akai/MPC specs, but each machine def have their own merits of course. But the focus of the MPC many years ago was “MIDI production center” with the sequencer spec more developed than the sampling/sonic spec.

Ultimately you will find your own method on any piece of gear. It’s kind of unfair to compare gear of this nature considering the complexities of each machine , but more importantly how we use them and integrate it with our work and our other gear will always differ.

Using both Yamaha and Akai gear as a live techno artist for 20+ years and I’ve never felt restricted with 99 sequences on the MPC, shit I can’t use half of that. The key is that each ‘track’ on the MPC can consist of multiple recorded info, so you can have track 1 consisting of all your different percs sounds and not just a single sample. Also each sequence can be as long as 999 bars… Adding to that the number of ‘programs’, with each program consisting of 64 sounds, but you can use multiple programs within one sequence. JJOS allows up to 99 programs.

I’ve never used ‘song/chain modes’ on any of my gear and always create or perform songs/tracks from single sequences as opposed to chaining them . The MPC1000 is very cool with it’s [next seq] and [track mute] keys. I find this an essential tool for performing live. Here is where I’m challenged by the OT workflow.

The MPC 1000 terminology as per the manual:

Sequence: Sequence is the most basic unit that you use when you create data with the MPC1000. The data from the MIDI keyboard or pads will be recorded to each track in a sequence. A sequence has 64 tracks, each of which can hold performance data. You can create up to 99 sequences. The length of a sequence can be set from 1 bar to 999 bars. You can create a whole song with one sequence; however you can also create a song with a combination of several short sequences with the Song feature.

Track: A sequence has 64 tracks. Each track can record separate performance data. For example, you can record instruments separately on each track (ex. Pi- ano sound in track 1, Bass on Track 2, Organ on Track 3,etc…). You can record one track at a time; however, you can play back already-recorded tracks while recording a new track. Each track has the track mute setting (whether play back the contents of the track or not). For example you record two Piano solos on Track 1 and Track4 and compare them using mute func- tion. Performance data will be recorded on a track as a MIDI event. It does not record sounds directly on a track.

Hope that helps

Oh, most definitely confused. I’ll be the first to admit that the penny hasn’t dropped yet.

For context, and where I’m at, I normally use the RS7000 as each “Song” is a song in it’s own right. Then use each “Pattern” as the sections/parts of the song (Intro, Verse, Chorus etc); then mute/unmute tracks as I feel like.

Couldn’t agree more. I think I will be buying one (MPC-1000) very shortly regardless, and am confident it will be malleable to my needs / way of working. (Or else I will be) She seems a very competant bit of kit.

Yeah, this is the part I’m just not grasping, especially in context of past experience / the above, re RM1x/RS7000… but, if it’s good enough for you, it will be good enough for me, just got to wait for that penny to drop.

It’ll all become clear soon as you get one and start using it. If it doesn’t work for you then sell it - easy.

Another thing is, I started using Ableton Live from version 1 (for Live PAs) when it was just MIDI, when v2 came along and supported audio I stopped using the MPC altogether thinking it would be the holy grail. A number of years ago I went back and bought an MPC1000 and ditched the stooopid computer… have never ever ever ever looked back. Computers are sooooo amazing - I seen it on TV but I’m afraid I’m not smart enough to use one.

I’m not all that confident with the OT and feel like selling it soon if the penny doesn’t drop for me on that one. People who know me say to stick with the OT and it will grow on me… can’t say I’m feeling it and am running out of patience.

Good luck with it all.