Hi there! 2024 is almost over; i was wondering, what are your favorite sound packs/banks that are available (free or for sale) online using the machines (preferrably latest firmware)?
nothing? its always been weird to me that there are so little sharing rytm projects/sounds, would be a nice topic for here!
This is my favorite for that, he has several free packs and his paid packs are excellent:
Yes, Kimura Taro is great!
@tendingtropic is there something specific you’re looking for? There’s specific topics like recreating 808/909 sounds, but you’re welcome to start new challenges&sharing and we’ll join you.
i’m mainly interested in retro sounds like the ones in italo disco/synthwave but i realise that those will mostly be sample based. other than that, probably industrial percussion type of sounds
These are great: AR808 - Released
Oh and look at this, for you, just because you asked: Rytm Pack: BGZAPS free zap sound pack
great thanks, keep them coming!