Remember to back up before upgrading and even load a new empty project to avoid any damage to your current project.
And avoid upgrading before a gig.
You encountered something wrong in the newest OS, reproduced it in a project created since the upgrade and want to check if others can replicate it ?
Here is the place.
Doesn’t replace a support ticket, of course, but you might want to check if it’s not a feature before declaring a bug
Please report all bugs via the Support Tickets section on if they have not already been confirmed below.
Temporary glitch in the pads lighting; when converting an Euclidean sequence into regular sequencer trigs.
More evident when the patterns are longer/complex/manytracks; almost as if the LEDs response is delayed, and then compensates for the delay.
Reload shortcut is broken while on Mute Mode - other modes seem to have this problem too, sometimes/unpredictable.
[NO]+[MUTE] while on mute mode exits mute mode instead of reloading Sound; [NO]+[Scene] might change mode to Scene (or exit Scene mode) instead of reloading pattern.
MK1 bugs, or oversights?
Encoder-Press for faster speed not working with SAMPLE START and SAMPLE END parameters.
Now I see the current Encoder-Press (slightly) faster speed seems to be there, but just very very slow and different than before. Takes very long to scroll through a sample.
12 value units per octave on VCO; instead of the previous 24/48 units per octave
Disruptive considering the size of MK1’s screen, 1.70 visual feedback is practically non-existent for tuning.
Fill and Page-Loop button disruptive overlap.
When clicking [PAGE] for Fills (and not for Page Loop) there is disruptive Pads (Modes) behavior, preventing you from using Mute Mode, for example.
It’s been observed by somebody (i concur) that the weighting of the randomisation within EUC is sub-optimal
The result is that the constraints of and on pattern length are giving undesirable randomisations - the pool of numbers to choose from may need a revision for the two cases discussed via this link (and replies thereafter)
Agreed, good spot, unsure if a detour into and out of EUC will lead to this (e.g. in new proj) or if it’s just broken as a result of EUC in general - but plocking in live mode does not work on TRIG page params, as you say.
Small thing, not sure if worth pointing it out but: on the Euclidean page, PAGE RELOAD doesn’t seem to be working neither. Page reload is always nice to have, as some kind of undo after you mess around in the pattern.
I wonder, are you referring to reloading saved track settings or saved EUC settings - i’m not even sure how/where those get saved, what is your thinking here … what precisely is pre-saved which you then subsequently are unable to recover ?
When in mute mode sometimes pads are green sometimes they are yellow. When they are green mutes work as they should. When they are yellow it takes some time to actually perform the mute/unmute. How long the mute/unmute is delayed does not seem to be consistent but, it does seem to take until the sequencer hits bar 1 most of the time.
Whether the pads are green or yellow in mute mode is a roll of the dice but, it does remain the same per power-on. Cycling power pay or may not reset the mutes.
When they are yellow it takes some time to actually perform the mute/unmute. How long the mute/unmute is delayed does not seem to be consistent but, it does seem to take until the sequencer hits bar 1 most of the time.
@Nope A bit of a shot in the dark, but could this be related to Song Mutes? Song mutes have a different colour and they are activated at the end of pattern length, I think.
With other parameter pages you can randomize, clear and reload (exception for TRIG page that can’t be randomized).
I think the eucl page settings are stored in the pattern settings, and they can be reloaded when reloading the pattern [NO/RELOAD] + [SCENE].
Yeah, it works fine on Ableton, but the drop down menu in Nuendo’s plugin just says “not available on this DAW”. Funny because it mostly was before.
There seems to be an issue with audio routing. If the rytm is connected to overbridge, the kit’s audik routing does not go back to the main bus. The only way I was able to clear the issue was by clearing the kit.