So I bought a used digitone last year. When I got it I realized that there was a problem with it not saving. I sent it in and they repaired it for me, I’ve had no issues saving. Until last night… I worked on a track I had started the day before and then I created a new one all in the same project. I turned it on today and the work I put into the half finished project was gone and the second pattern I made was completely gone. I have my digitakt paired with it and the patterns I made to go along with the new track are still saved but the digitone totally erased the paired sequence. I also know for a fact I saved the project multiple times. ( I have saving ptsd at this point). Although frustrated I made some new sequences and saved them. I’ve shut the units off and turned them back on and they seem to be saved but I don’t trust it at this point. Anyone else have any similar issues with the digitone? My digitakt has always been reliable and never gave me any trouble, but the digitone has been sus sense I got it.
I’m a heavy DN user and haven’t experienced these problems. I assume you have the latest firmware. Most of the (very few) mess-ups on my DN happened during the first year of owning it. Nothing has happened in this last year, under heavy use.
Perhaps you are unknowingly exploiting a bug in the firmware. I had a project that failed once. I have nothing to back up my theory, but I’m wondering if I exceeded the number of P-locks available to a pattern.
And I am also suspicious of possible side-effects of time-shifting the first trig or lock in a pattern to the left. Elektron probably had to write some extra code for that situation. And complexity can cause bugs. I don’t know. My Digitone workflow is all about getting stuff finished, not screwing around and trying to break stuff, so I’m the last person to be identifying a bug.
Until you get this resolved I’d do both a project save in the gear menu where you go “save as” and then just resave the project with the same name, as well as the normal temporary save that is usually done with “func +yes”, by doing both then at best it helps and at worst it doesn’t hurt. Might be a bug as stated, pretty odd to come back though, possibility of corrupt data if you reloaded any old projects you had backed up after it returned to you. pretty standard generic advice here but might be a good idea to do a din midi sysex reload of the firmware to try and overwrite the bad data.
The only variable that’s different is I added a novation launchkey 25 midi keyboard into the mix. I’m using it going midi into the digitone and then I go midi out of the digitone into the digitakt. Not sure if this could effect anything?
I usually do save using both save methods that’s why I think it’s strange. I didn’t reload anything onto it when I got it back from repair. I started fresh with it and haven’t had an issue until today
I believe the addition of the launchkey should have zero chance of impacting digitone saves. Have you had an opportunity to look through the digitone bug reports thread to see if anyone else had a similar issue? probably a good next logical step is to browse through and see if there’s a similar issue described.
I guess the only other option is to open an additional ticket, but it couldn’t hurt to reload the OS over din midi with sysex first. Fresh start sounds like a problem with the machine to me though, they’ll decide for themselves but someone at support might decide to replace the unit if it has to come back again and is under the 3 year warranty still.
never happened to me or even remotely similar, I’d backup everything and factory reset everything, try working with it for a while and then start migrating the backups if everything ok, if not then send it to repair again.
if you do func+yes a second time, doesn’t it revert back to your prior save? maybe I’m trippin.
no, it’s always temp save, to undo you need to do [FUNC+NO]
func no is if you messed with your pattern and you want to revert back, but I think if you func yes does func no even take you back anymore? Its been a while since I thought about this cuz I don’t do it that way (save then try to revert) but I thought a second func yes after the initial one would revert. I guess not though, that probably wouldn’t make sense.
There are similar reports for the Digitakt on this forum, see Digitakt 1.50 : Bug reports - #120 by Xib666
i’d say you should contact Elektron and until more news: Always save your projects manually too (and reload them when you notice data loss).
This would happen to me back in the days when I just turned my DN on and started working. The DN would sometimes corrupt patterns and develop weird glitches in sequences, all that fun stuff.
The problem went away when I got 100% used to all the Elektron save/load quirks & most importantly reloading the project I want to work on after startup.
Might not be a solution for you but perhaps…?
if you hit [FUNC+YES], no matter how many times, you will temp save the current state of the pattern, if you did that there’s no undo with [FUNC+NO] as it will only reload the latest state which is already temp saved.
to undo [FUNC+YES] you’d need to reload the pattern/project, if you didn’t save it before [FUNC+YES] then you don’t have undo.
that’s what I thought but for some reason I thought there was an extra command to back out of your temporary save, which is the part I was apparently imagining.
nope, make sure saving pattern/project to undo temp save, that’s the whole temp save/reload section:
yeah the second func +yes just does another pattern saved to temp area, I should have just checked in the first place. I don’t know what dream this appeared to me in, I never really have moments where I want to back out of saves though so I think it was just floating garbage in my brain which I can now dispose of.
I was just trying to think of if there was a way his patterns could have accidentally reverted to the state before the new save, and I think the answer is that only if it’s a bug.
There are some undo possibilities as described in this post for functions like clear pattern: No Undo! - #45 by DaveMech
doesn’t trk plus no plus a trig also do something?
I guess that’s just digitakt, to reload a sound from it’s last saved state.
digitone is like dave said, trk plus no is the hot keys for sound reload.
On DT/ST it is TRK+trig+no
I’ve had a similar experience and perhaps a solution for the OP. I have some gentle neurodiversity which leads to a lot of double checking to make sure I do important things like locking doors or saving projects. Twice recently I’ve had the DN revert to the state it was in when I last turned it on rather than the state at which the project was saved. What I realised I was doing was that I was very slowly turning the power switch off so it almost was rocking back and forth rather than a normal press of the rocker switch. So, maybe it was turning off very briefly as the switched rocked on the biting point before I gave it the definite switch off. Which cause it to revert to the last state at “proper switch on”.
I may just be imagining this as I saw the screen flicker off and back on at that point where I was dithering over the rocker switch. So, I’ve resolved to be more deliberate in my switching off action rather than fretting over whether I remembered to save a project when I had done that 5 times.
Potential solution, and what worked for me, was that when it had loaded to the previous state I loaded the project I had saved without saving what was there. So essentially loading over itself and what came back was the version I’d saved (multiple times!!) before the problem happened.
Don’t know if that’s helpful but worth considering.