Posting here for Info
Probably not much use (or interest) to anyone
But this came up in a recent discussion with @void
It relates to a long term idea I have to create a clock divider to work on the Sync Pulses … coincidentally Daren Ager subsequently made a Din Sync box doing just this … but i’m into finding my own solution, potentially using the Run High Voltage to power the dividing circuit
stage one was to see how Elektron utilised the Din Sync ‘standard’ and whether all pins were used, and in which way.
Anyway, for posterity, a sketch …
fwiw - i’m keen to hear if the power on state (i.e. clock active) seems like a good idea for vintage gear, almost like a pre-count ?
it seems odd that it should be running from the get go when a double stop (song position pointer 0) is just the same as when you turn on ? !
the voltages are nominal, plus the pulse clock is too fast to be of any other use, so this temporary breakout cable was just a way to try things out before wiring in some circuit (& maybe power) - it may depend on how fast i can make the electronics ‘play’ when the Run signal is high - i guess it will, but an arduino based venture may falter initially, anyone have any insights on that route ?