AR (mk2): How good are the Filters?

Hey Everyone,

the AR is the only Sampler out there with more than one analogue filters. How good do they sound? Is there a sonical relation to other analogue filters?

Could the AR be used as a mono phrase sampler with analogue VCF + VCA?

I’m tired of using Samplers with digital filters like the OT or the SU700 when sampling synth-melodies. But i need to, because i can not bring my whole studio to my gigs.

Fiddling around with Cutoff, Resonance, FilterENV is of course part of my live performance, but it is such a sonical difference, if the filter is analogue or digital.

Your thoughts?

I don’t have an AR, but this sounds like one of the cases where a small Euro boat could make a lot of sense.

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I have been exploring the sample side of my Rytm more lately. At first, I was a bit concerned to find out Rytm (both MKs seem to do this) cramps the high frequencies of samples, but have since found that quality to be quite useful for playing back samples chromatically. It gives the Rytm’s sample side a more “organic”, almost “vintage digital” feeling, and these attributes are something I find desirable when one is trying to make a single sample sound like “an instrument”.

As for the filters, I find them very serviceable, all the typical topologies are available for every voice, something which is quite rare for samplers… But I must give out the disclaimer that I dont really find anything special about most filters on my analogue synths; they filter out sounds without sounding plasticky in the resonance dept (unlike VA filters), and that’s good enough for me.

IME, analogue Elektron filters always have a lot of resonance on tap, that can throw people starting with them off to a degree, so you want to start with conservative reso levels


I really like the filter + overdrive on the AR with sample.
Really dislike the resonance which is too violent for me and difficult to manage.
I would have preferred a way to have more range in the 0-10 value of resonance (mk1 user).

If you have a spare LFO on hand, you could use it for increased resoncace range in the 0-10 range? The LFOs have a higher parameter resolution than the actual controls allow

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I‘m not an expert on describing the filters, but it’s probably my favorite filter of any machine I‘ve owned yet (including some analog synths). Especially in combination with overdrive and compressor, it oozes character and can get pretty wild. So if your intention is to spice up samples, it’s really really good for that imo. It kinda sizzles around even if fully open, so AR will always imprint its sound onto samples, which isn’t ideal if you’re looking for something that can also sound sterile/clean when that’s wanted.

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If you want samples to sound like themselves, an OT or a digitakt will do that for you. If you need to get Rytm to do it, you need to sacrifice the filter to reconstructing the HF back to a response more like on the raw sample… I havent looked up the parameter values, it could be done with a white noise sample and a scope…

Obviously it wont be “perfect” cuz filtering introduces phase shift but yeh

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The resonance is kinda swooshy for just filtering samples, not in a bad way but it’s a particular sound.

But for sound design (filter pinging) they’re FANTASTIC, they sound like a wonderful rubbery analog bubblebath.

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They are not the best, but in the end I like them.

All filters don’t sound the same, from LP12 to LP24 for example, it has a huge impact on the sound, even if you don’t filter anything. LP24 is more bassy. I find the BP a bit more dirtier than the other for some reason. not necessarly in a bad way, but my point is, all designs sound different from each others.

they are clean and precise (it is scaled to a 12tones system I think, or something) but can distort easily if the sample gain is too high.

resonance add character very quickly but don’t touch the bass at all if you put it to zero

I think overall, the analog parts of the AR is not the best compared to other brand, but it has it’s charm for sure. I really like it now.

Also more or less related but, your samples will have 1 filter each, and also you can parameter lock the filter parameters like cutoff or resonance with great effect.

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Here’s an example of the filters as a sound design element. Each of the “zappy” sounds you hear is a self-resonating filter modulated by lfo etc: That RYTM 1.70 Sound - #356 by bgEN

And in this snippet, all sounds besides one obvious sample are filters going wild on noise. That RYTM 1.70 Sound - #307 by bgEN

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