AR808 - Released

808 Modeled Drum Sounds for the Analog RYTM.

Analog synthesis only (no samples).

As always, you’re free to contribute as much/little as you feel this is worth.

Currently released in BETA mode. Sounds/Patterns/Kits/Documentation may be subject to change.

18 Sounds, 2 Kits, 2 basic demo patterns thus far. I’m running short on time these day.

Contact me directly if you have any issues (contact at

  • Justin

mod edit: above links are dead, but Justin has granted permission to share here:

AR808-Sounds.syx (3.7 KB)AR808-Pat Kit01.syx (17.8 KB)
AR808-Pat Kit02.syx (17.8 KB)
AR808.pdf (380.1 KB)


Sounds great, even better than the MD 808.
gonna purchase it as soon as i get back home.

Thx JV

Best spent money in a very long time.

Keep up the good work.

Blindly acquired @ 34,000ft!



With a small bit of porting, you could make an A4808 too for A4 users wanting a drum kit…

Great work!

Oh snap. I’m in for one. I’ll chip in as soon as I get home.

Cool, well worth £5


First off these sounds are amazing.

Second, how do i look for the kit sounds in the sound browser? I’m trying to change the location of the kick and snare pads by using the sound browser.

The Kit sounds are stored independently from the sounds in the sound browser (even though they are the same in this case). In other words Track Sounds are not direclty linked to the sounds stored in the sound pool/+drive.

You need to load up the AR808 Sounds into your Sound Pool.
The AR808-Sounds.syx file includes the individual sounds.

Hope that makes sense.

  • J
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Do you think you could get near to a 909 kit with the current machines? I’d love a 909 hat, but I guess it might be quite a stretch…? has the raw eprom samples from the 909 converted to wav so you could use them with the Rytm. Should be very close to a 909 since the 909 uses those eprom samples through analog circuitry, much like the Rytm’s architecture.

Too bad the Rytm has to convert them again to 16bit 48khz. Might introduce more artifacts. Make sure to use a good sample rate converter. I’d recommend the latest versions of Audacity, Sony Sound Forge, Adobe Audition or Audiofile Sample Manager.

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Oh I got a million 909 samples, I was talking about using the synth engines only, like this here 808 kit.

The TR-909 used digital ROM samples to generate the sounds of the Hats and Cymbals.

The only analog part of that circuitry is the VCA/Envelope section which shapes the dynamics of the sound.

As suggested by R7, the closest way to get authentic hats would be to use the original ROM sample and then set up the dynamics appropriately.
I couldn’t imagine the bit/sample rate conversion would introduce much of a change in the sound. The D/A converter on the 909 was pretty lo-fi to begin with.


Yeah, especially in a noisy sample any artifacts probably wouldn’t be audible. Sample rate conversion is just something I keep bringing up in Rytm threads where it seems like it might be prudent. Most programs create a ton of aliasing when changing soundfiles sample rate. Just for anyone’s reference:

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The Kit sounds are stored independently from the sounds in the sound browser (even though they are the same in this case). In other words Track Sounds are not direclty linked to the sounds stored in the sound pool/+drive.

You need to load up the AR808 Sounds into your Sound Pool.
The AR808-Sounds.syx file includes the individual sounds.

Hope that makes sense.

  • J[/quote]
    The pool seems to work. Is the kick only limited to the one pad? Can i clone it and place it anywhere else on the 3 OSC row?

Did the kick and snare of a 909 come from analog wavforms or through a rom sample?

From the AR808 manual:

The Track Assignment chart below shows which Pads/Tracks can be loaded with which sounds.

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TR-909 Analog Instruments: BD, SD, LT, MT, HT, RS, CP


Thanks JustinValer that clears a lot of things up.