Hi - Fairly new A4 user, had it awhile but digging into it more recently.
I’ve noticed some combinations of p-locks…maybe filter res/delay time/envelopes - introduce some clicks and pops in the audio.
I don’t think it’s clipping ,it’s more like a parameter being changed too quick, or an envelope or other getting set in a ‘weird’ way I guess
Sometimes I will have to abandon a sequence because my overzealous p-locking will introduce clicks and pops, and I can’t ‘back out’ enough to rid myself of them.
Any ideas of settings that may cause this? What to avoid/look for?
*Also, unrelated - How do you undo tweaks from performance mode? (reset to default) - I used to know but didn’t find it in documentation when looking recently
When I get clicks the first thing I look at are fast envelopes. If a super fast envelope isn’t needed then sometimes turning up the attack or release to 10, give or take, solves the clicking problems without audibly changing the attack or release of the note. This can be a bit tricky to fix with P-locks. I’ve been using the trig copy and paste a lot lately to change reused sounds that aren’t the base track sound. You get one trig to sound how you like then paste it to the relevant spots in the sequence.
The other thing that can help is using envelopes that don’t retrigger (the ones without the black dot in the waveform sketch). If you’re cutting off another sound to start the next one but don’t need to drop the envelope to zero this can also fix clicks.
Sometimes the clicks can be interesting and can do weird things in the delay or reverb.
To post above, yeah some clicks were very glitchy and cool but some unfortunately had that digital clipping-esque sound that was bother some…i’m sure i had some wild p-locks causing it so I redid the track and it came out much cleaner.