Bastl Kastle 2 FX Wizard

Looks like it could potentially be a lot of fun with a Volca Modular as well as all the other Kastles.


That video did not really show much sound wise.
Like, what’s the original sound and what the effected? Could often not quite tell…

That said, doesn’t seem to have a mix knob?

Yeah, it wasn’t the most obvious; but it was a launch video rather than a walkthrough I suppose.

From the manual:

  1. AMOUNT - is typically how much effect is applied. Fully left this knob turns off any effect and you should hear a clean signal.
  2. AMOUNT MOD input modulates the AMOUNT knob. To set how much it is being modulated hold SHIFT and turn the AMOUNT knob. In the middle of the knob there is no modulation. To the right the modulation modulates in positive way and to the left it modulates in negative way.

There are a couple short preview/teaser videos on YouTube, but again no dry/wet comparison. I’m a sucker for stuff like this and I’m gassy this morning so I’m in for one. Will try to remember to report back when I get my hands on it.

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There’s a premiere coming shortly this evening (same video link as above it seems):

Oh - never mind; it was just the video already linked. Weird.


Seems pretty great but I kinda wish they would give up on the kastle format… like put some knob caps and dress it up a bit like bestie


Sounds very cool and a damn good price. But i had to skip the beginning. As much as i love crazy stuff these freaked out product videos are getting tiring. Just show us what it can do and gtfo. :slight_smile:

Awesome. I need to see what boop e does with this



I was thinking this new device was going to be an updated BitRanger. Ranger, Wizard, har har.

It looks ike a great little device to mangle some audio. They have some dry/wet comparisons on Soundcloud


This looks like such a sweet device! After hearing the sound clips I instantly made a purchase. It sounds great, it has a bunch of patch points and functionality to experiment with, and it’s portable/tiny so I can take it outside with my M8 or Volca Modular and be discreet (love making music outside but don’t like to draw attention to myself)


I managed to give it a try and shoot it yesterday:


Sounds dope! Thanks for the demo.


i need this thing. i think im in love. kind of a mix between a mutable warps and a t-resonator?

didnt sound that interesting on paper, but the sounds go way beyond the typical looper, slicer, panner, freq shift, pitcher. everything is grainy and swishy and gorgeous. amazing

im a huge fan of the thyme, i wonder if this will satisfy any of my nostalgia and longing for another one of those. seems almost as playable/experimental


I wondered something similar and would be combining the two no doubt if I eventually get a Kastle 2 FX Wizard.

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Mine came in yesterday and I’m having a blast with it. I’m basically a musical idiot and putting a Roland T-8 and P-6 through this thing sounds magical. :boom:


I got one a couple of weeks ago to try and out and have been playing about with it. I wasn’t sure what to expect from such a dinky package, but it’s actually pretty impressive - especially for glitchy, trippy effects. Synching it up and modulating the FX type with drums is especially wonderful. Here’s some thoughts:


Any recent thoughts about this one?

I have actually got it but haven’t found time to try it yet (due to a current work overload).

I have had a couple of looks at the manual, though, and it seems extremely deep and quite complex - which is not necessarily a bad thing. I think I will need time to know where I’m going.

I’ve been really enjoying it, but it definitely requires some focused patching/tweaking to get the most out of it. There’s been many times where I’ve made patches that were too chaotic to the point of not being useable, but then a few subtle tweaks would turn it into something really awesome.

It isn’t the type of unit that I’d use on everything or something that I’d depend on for a live performance, just cuz it has such a specific sound and doesn’t save patches, but it works great for focused recording sessions. It’s really fun to patch and it has the potential to sound really great. I’ve easily lost several hours just tweaking away.


Thanks, that was my initial impression as well.

I have quite briefly tried it yesterday, without patching anything, and without having the documentation at hand. I think it’s no use to try it this way :sweat_smile:

Once I have more spare time, my plan is to dive into each effect, one by one, and try patching stuff.

(Problem is I also got a NTS-3, that I haven’t fully explored yet either - and this one requires some deep diving as well)

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