It’s here!
fuck me… that demo …
He says it contains 2 Curtis chips, so does it or is it actually using coolaudio chips?
Omg that guy
I don’t blame the guy … I blame who ever is filming him for not saying : no that sucked let do another take. Pfff
Maybe that was as good as it got?
Hahahaha I didn’t think of that
Bequential Behrcuits Bro-1.
haha! I’ve been thinking about BB ever since people started referring to the Behringer ‘D’ as the ‘Boog’.
I think it sounds awesome in that demo … very beefy. This and 808 are definite buys for me.
elitist synth goblins will just never understand
Yeah the chips are the Curtis reissues put out by Coolaudio.
Do it. The Pro-One is endless fun to play and tweak.
And imagine behringer just do the version of the Monomachine, the Bonomachine. Don’t have one but someone’s says is one of the best elektron achievement…
And if they revisit the analog 4, put some asteroids on it and gave birth to the Banalog 16?
I don’t know if it mean something but every time I heard from something new from behringer I heard this when the news show up and then, it’s released and I never heard something or someone actually claim it’s nice or debate or claim it’s crap and why… nothing, there’s the news and then it’s sinks like a stone that will have held 2 seconds on a nenufar.
it’s my feelings online and friends
it’s kinda strange
Does the RD-808 will change this statement (sort of…)
Bonomachine?, very edgy.
So freaking excited for this one! I’ve always wanted a ‘real’ Pro-One… have only ever had software emu’s and extremely brief (few minutes) time on an original. I know how so many of you feel about Behringer and I did too at one point, but man, they’re just killing it right now. Never in my life would I have thought I’d ever have said that.
Elitist? That is what you think people who aren’t impressed with Behringers boring clones are?
Think again.
It isn’t about snobbery, surely as an artist yourself you can at least understand that?
It isn’t even just about cloning. But I don’t have any interest in regurgitating for the umpteenth time all of the information that is easy for anyone who is interested, to find out about Behringer.
I also have no interest in judging people who choose to buy Behringer, it is a free market and their money, but I do think it is a bit lazy, convenient and defensive to label those that choose not to buy Behringer elitist.
And it’s on Ebay/Reverb 6 months later …
I do want THE vocoder though
9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Toraiz as-1