Scale of industry makes some elements much better than the originals, certainly. My Model D feels like something designed for military use, but other synths i’ve owned I imagine Behringer’s quality standards would be better than.
It’s here and is getting ready for the weekend together with the AK !
So what’s the verdict on this one?
It’s really got THAT sound along with a great build quality and spacious layout.
Works very well with CV and only issue is that it doesn’t respond well to midi clock as it is now (surely something that can be fixed in upcoming firmware).
Considering its price, I would probably put it top 3 best bang for the buck of all my purchases (Klark Teknik pultec clones and my 2nd hand Midas Venice mixer probably top it).
This is an excellent clone.
The midi sync seems to be hit and miss on all the clones… If I use the RD8 as master clock and start/stop then it’s own beat is slower than the almost too fast Bodyssey. model D sits in between. Fairly sure the Neutron is okay. I could do with lining them all up and recording simultaneous parts into DAW and inspect the tracks. When I did it with the RD8 and Bodyssey there was a fairly big and audible difference. I swapped midi for CV/clock and everything is, if not bang on, then as close as damn it. I’ve got an OG Pro One but I’ve been gassing for the clone so I can rack it in the upcoming studio build along with the Neutron, model d, K2, wasp and all their other Eurorack sized clone goodies they’ll bring out.
Just picked up one of these today along with a TD3. Sounds amazing. After firmware update, played well via CV from a Keystep, but it wouldn’t sequence properly from the TD-3. Seems to be an issue with gate as the pitch was being tracked fine. I tested the TD3 with a Moog and that worked perfectly. Anyone tried pairing the Pro-1 & TD-3 with any success?
Obvious question but you’ve not got the sequencer or arp switched on on the pro one? Should be set to ext too when you’re using ext gate. Hope you get it sorted
Have you updated the firmware? The first firmware had a bug with the gate in.
Yeah definitely had the ext mode switch up/on. Tried retrig switch on as well. no cigar. Also updated firmware first thing as I knew there were some issues with gate. Got me stumped.
As mentioned, TD3 works fine sequencing the Boog via cv, though this synth has filter + amp envelope inputs which can be triggered via gate. Pro-1 doesn’t.
How are people liking this one? It sounds so good in the various YouTube videos I’ve seen. I’m so in love with my new MS-101 that I fear it will cause me to buy more. Haha.
It does sound even better in person. It sounds very good. And has enough possibilities to not get boring fast.
Super tempting, although watching this makes me wonder if a poly version will be out before too long!
I think there is a Prophet 600 clone in the works. Dont know exactly what will differ from the Pro-1, but it is a bit more basic, but could deliver alot of the same sounds in a poly package.
I use Akai Force’s autosampler alot for making my Pro-1 “polyphonic”.
I just came across this video and it’s quite interesting. I actually much prefer the aggressive, gritty sound of the Pro-1!
The synth is just raised above the keystep lol. Forced perspective to make it look nicer on the screen. No conspiracy / magic. The keys are less in focus than the device itself.
I’m looking to point Pro-1 owners here (link below), ideally with access to a Neutron or possibly one of the other Behringers to form a comparison and see if there’s an issue between one and the other - it’s possible that this is a hardware issue or even a fault unique to mine so any insights about success or otherwise will be helpful - especially if it appears to be a problem afflicting all owners of both …
answer here please
Perhaps some of y’all weren’t aware - but the Pro-1 has had a recent firmware update (v1.29) fine-tuning the range of snappiness possible to make it more resolved and it seems to have addressed the one area where the digital envelopes were lacking compared to the og
Run SynthTool (v 2.4.0 is latest iirc … find it via their Cat clone, probably fine with the earlier version on Pro-1 page ) with usb and it’ll advise there’s an update. Super easy
here’s a link to a critique of this previous attack profile curve in the sharp end …
Here’s a channel showing a reaction/comparison now it’s improved
a digital LFO—yes
a digital Envelope—nope
they should refine the Crave Envelope aswell, it’s way to insensitive between a click and a short, hearable output.
it’s ok but it could be much finer
that’s basically why the Neutron is such an inspiring and unique synthesizer.
the envelopes definitely shape the body of the sound and it’s damn responsive.
I guess iam selling the crave to fund a third Neutron, for Bass only.