First (?) Pro 800 patch pack “Vintage Classics”
Not mine.
As a T5 owner, I’d like to hear your views on it compared with the T5 after you have time to put it through its paces.
I know people don’t like those kind of comparisons, and even less when they involve Behringer’s synths, but this is very interesting.
After playing with the P800 for a couple of days (over midi from the T5) I’ve had a chance to compare the two and in all fairness they’re both very different sounding beasts. Even setting both with a super basic patch (saw wave, filter wide open, no modulation) yields very different results. The P800 is quite a bit quieter than the T5 and is brighter. The T5 has a distinctly darker sound. The envelopes on the T5 articulate differently, especially the filter envelope. The P800 filter envelope has an audibly slower attack and the envelope doesn’t completely open the filter so fast attack/shirt decay sounds aren’t it’s forte. The T5 does much better with a much snappier and punchier sound. I don’t know if this was a trait of the Prophet 600 so if it’s something they’ve purposefully baked in or not but I’d be surprised if it’s a design flaw when it’s not something that affects their other synths.
None of the above is ideal but in all honesty the P800 does sound good. With pad sounds the B sounds more polished in an old school way if that makes sense? It sounds more like an old synth than the T5 but that’s how it should be I guess?
Truth is they’re very different synths from Osc/Filter/Amp chips to the differing amounts of modulation etc. They complement each other more than they compete for the same jobs.
Hope this helps?
Thanks. That description matches what my impression has been in YouTube videos.
Sweetwater told me mine was ready to ship today but I decided to pass for now. Push 3 with suite is honestly all i need ATM. Paired with theoryboard.
Wow the Nymphes is hotter? I’m always running the Nymphes at full volume.
I ordered from Andertons and it arrived today. I had the hanging note problem. Updated and now sound plays but nothing from the front panel works. The values change but there’s no difference in sound. It’s just a preset machine with no editing ability. Yikes! Anyone else hear about this bug?
When I was playing it from my novation circuit tracks, the knobs on the track were affecting the pro-800, I could change the cut off and lfo and stuff from the circuit. But on the synth itself, nada!
Update: The switches on the synth respond. Looks like it’s just the knobs.
Now it works. I have no idea what changed!
HOLY SHIT, that sounds incredible
Had the same problem, see my comments further up this thread. I noticed that knobs stop working when switching presets that have different envelope curve settings. I also noticed that messing with the oscilators repeatedly might make parts of the amp envelope unresponsive.
Not a lot of people seem to have these issues, so it could be unit specific.
I sent mine back, felt like the right thing to do after trying to love it for two weeks.
the more i’ve GASsed over that video, the more an annoying voice is telling me that actually it’s the musicianship that makes it sound good, and i should work on using my existing analog poly (Dreadbox Nymphes) to write better melodies/chord progressions. but, hot damn, i know i’m going to buy a Pro 800 anyway
If I were to help you out a bit, I’d say that the two - to my ears at least - sound like they share a lot of territory in terms of sound palette. I’d say stick with one of the two.
yeah i’ve heard the Nymphes shares some internal gubbins with the Prophet series, really should spend more time with it
My understanding is the Nymphes uses the same SSI 2130 oscillator chip as the T5. The filter in the Nymphes is an SSI 2144 and the T5 filter is the 2140. I imagine it’s the same filter chip the Prophet 5 uses for its rev 1/2 filter as those original rev instruments had the SSM filter
Afaik the Pro800 uses Cool Audio’s CEM clone chipsets but I’ve not opened mine up yet to confirm which ones
Gggrrmmmmph could not resist, Pro 800 is on the way.
When checking the manual I found that Voice Spread setting, what does that do? I guess it is not stereo panning like the Oberheims right? Would be so cool, maybe through the headphone out? One can dream…
it’s guaranteed not that - it’s only mono out - i presume it’s a unison setting where the voices are progressively detuned
i pre-ordered 2 months ago, not felt the urgency to search a pdf yet … no date on the table !!
Sweetwater called me today. I’m scared I’m going to pickup the next time they call.
Thank you for this. I didn’t know this Synth was Mono Out.