How about an Octatrack 3 and the new Analogue 8?
Really sound advice. Thank you for the encouragement. Definitely gonna hang on to the DN for a while and just focus on sound design
Right now I’m working with an OT + MDUW and that’s been getting me pretty much were I want to be.
In the meanwhile my Analog Four Mk2 is in the shop, but that’s going to get added to the mix, and I have another A4mk1 that I’m selling or trading, but keep toying with the idea of keeping… 4 Elektrons at once is probably too many. It’s the sort of thing I’d think would be awesome in high school or college, but as an adult just sounds like too much work.
Update : sold MD for AR
Sold AH for DN (not bought yet)
2 new pairs / stands planned :
AR + A4 (classic stand)
OT + DN (open stand with friends above)
i think philosophically i am a one-machine person at this point but i had some magical times with a monomachine/rytm combo awhile back, completely different textures from each box that blend beautifully i thought
I’ll be excited to know how you get on with the DN.
My favourite pairs have always included the MD.
So, I know I’m not the only one who does this. Constantly rotating things in and out of your setup, minimizing, growing, capping, optimizing, paring down, etc… so I have arrived at this:
Digitakt and TR-8S!
The TR-8S is new to me and I frickin love it so far. I’ve not gotten the DT to sequence the TR yet because I’m still exploring the TR. It’s a way deeper machine than I anticipated!
I came to the conclusion that my sound design, melodies and such are 90% done in the DAW so exporting multiple melodic loops and bass line variations is no problem. I lose nothing because my music is not terribly complex and gain the magic of sequencing via hardware + all the hardware tricks and sound mangling.
Yes the TR-8S is pretty big but together with the DT it is a very manageable setup. I’m even going to experiment further with the extra outputs to hopefully feed copies of individual channels or a copy of the summed stereo out back into the DT input for sampling and mangling. Maybe TR can’t do that but I won’t let it stop me from doing something totally different instead if so
I use DT+OT - DT as the main sequencer, OT to play long stereo samples, effects and transitions. I always keep changing my setup, but I’m trying to keep this one going and focus on the DT as much as possible, as I realize that’s when I feel more focused
After setting up a bunch of my gear I felt pretty overwhelmed and like I wasn’t using each piece to its full potential, so I started pairing them up.
I have a couple different combinations I like using, Digitone and Analog Four, Octatrack and Nord Modular, Machinedrum and Octatrack, and Nord Modular and Digitone.
I love the wild versatility of the DN and A4, the OT can do crazy sampling and sequencing of Nord Patches, the MD fills out the OT and the two live sample each other, and I like melodic sequencing and effects on the DT controlling the Nord.
I get way more out of each doing it this way.
My two machine setup is TR8S + 1. SH01A being triggered by TR8S is loads of fun. Always good things coming out of the Roland. You’ll have to pry that one out of my cold dead hands.
Also had the same as above but had the SH01A running into my Timeline using the LoFi machine on it. Dirty AF!
Love the Lofi Machine!
AR+MnM has been my latest delight, endless fun with these two plus a couple pedals added to taste
That’s a viewpoint that’s interesting to me. 2000xl is such a great machine.
I really love my 2000xl and machinedrum combo.
Can just keep adding tracks on the 2000xl, sample the md hot. record player into md and sample into the 2000. Midi control the md and have the md step sequence the 2000.
Note repeating the md.
I might have a geek and peak at the model samples !
MnM+MD… any time
(after fiddling with a couple of other setups including OP-1, Analog Rytm, Juno 106, MicroBrute, Pocket Operators, Eventide Space, Eventide TimeFactor, in various combinations)
I am seriously considering adding one external FX to this, though.
Thinking of the Microcosm - when it comes back to market - because it ticks both the reverb and delay boxes, somehow. Has anyone tried it here?
Classic pair that work well : Sampler (that really sample) + Synth.
this can be DT + DN, OT + DN, MPC + A4 or any combination.
The key is to have your sampler as main and the synth feeding it with his soul.
My setup: DT + Vermona PERfourMER MKII
Digitakt in deep voice -“Vermona… your soul belongs to me now…”
Vermona - “NooOOooOOooOOoo”
Btw, I think I’ve listened to your track Analog Soup about 40 times. Sofa King
If I had to chose a pair as in just two machines - no hesitation - OT and Nord G2 Modular
I love my A4 mk2 and MPC One. Use the sequencer on the One for longer patterns with drums and samples to compliment the A4…and sometimes I use the A4 sequencer for all the fun things you can do with that and use the MPC for drums and samples again.
I like to have machines that I can play with and also use as modules.
I’m going to have to go with the AR MK2 and A4 MK2 for right now. I have yet to really explore my DN though so that might beat out the A4 at some point when I find some more time