Best partner for the cycles?

Hi ! I recently bought a model cycles and I’m contempling the idea of partnering it with a polyphonic sampler so I could sample it and play real chords with the cycles sounds without having to use a computer.

At the same time the sampler could give me a couple more tracks to play with and build more complete songs but I’d like to keep this as budget friendly as possible and have a simple workflow. I have a couple of ideas but I’m new to this so wondering what you guys thinks would be the best combo and also if you would have better recommendations:

  • Ko 2
  • Circuit rythm + volca sample
  • electribe sample 2
  • Sonicware lofi 12
  • Sonicware smpltrek

Is there other gear I should consider?

Hi, I hope i’m not too late. I don’t know for the other gear you mention, but my SP404 mkII works very well with my model cycles. I use the model cycles to trigger samples on my SP via midi, and I can use one bus of FX on the sound of the cycles while another bus of FX is dedicated to the sound of my sampler while recording my jam on the SP.
If it’s too expensive you can try to grab a second hand SP404 A or SX (not an OG they can’t take SD card), it can also do the trick IMO.