Blockhead DAW

I haven’t seen much discussion on here about Colugo’s Blockhead DAW. It’s currently in alpha development for both PC and Mac, all being coded by one guy and fully supported by Patreon (Colugo is creating a DAW | Patreon). I highly recommend following and supporting to help its development as he has laid the groundwork of a really amazing audio manipulation program. Granular-style warping in a flexible DAW layout like this is exactly what I’ve always wished for but could never find, and I think Colugo’s work integrating block fx and modulation has so much potential. First time in a while that I’ve felt excited to make music on a computer again. Anyone tried out Blockhead yet?


After googling, I think I have seen some really cool short previews of sample mangling that impressed me a while back. I don’t know if this is the same project since the patreon is so vague and uninformative to a non-patron. I found some youtube links but they’re unlisted so I don’t want to inadvertently share patron-only content.

Not to backseat-manage but I think they’d have more success if people had a taste of what they were paying to support :slight_smile:


Exactly this. I went looking for info on it and could barely find anything.

Yeah marketing doesn’t seem to be their priority at the moment but the Colugo twitter ( has some additional demos. It’s definitely worth it to download and play around with the program, although saving projects/samples isn’t fully fleshed out yet. I’ve got some really cool results sampling out of the program into my octatrack though!

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Looks like you now get early access versions of the DAW for supporting the patreon.

He just showed a really strange and efficient way to automate EQs on his Twitter. I’m assuming it’s not an available tool as of yet (I could be wrong), but it looks really cool.

anyone still using this? intrigued by the twitter clips but they seem to be few and far between. how far along is the daw and how regularly do updates come? trying to get an idea of usability in its current state

I’ve been regularly using on Mac. Usually get new updates every week or two. Still get crashes and bugs every now and then so it can be easy to lose work if you’re not careful but honestly it’s been pretty stable for me as I keep projects pretty simple and rather than rendering I sample directly out of the program. There are more demos on the Blockhead discord if you want to check those out.

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for a dollar a month I’m gonna check it out. thanks!

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just found out about this DAW love the minimal interface of this thing

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This actually looks like a really innovative way to do sound design. From 11 days ago:


is this still subscription based?.. it’s like inception up in this piece…

Yo dawg we heard you like macros so we put a macro inside a macro inside a macro inside a macro inside a Big Mac inside a bowl of Mac n cheese inside a movie theatre playing The Mack inside a MacBook Pro inside a Macs for dummies book inside the flavor in the ear of Craig Mack so we could tell you all about it… blockhead might just be the new flavor you’ve been looking for


Yeah, from Patreon.
give what you want.

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I gotta say it’s looking lovely

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Made a video about Blockhead. I do a deep dive in it, there are few jams at the start as well and in the end I even show a prototype I designed about few ideas I had.

I totally think this is the most innovative DAW being developed right now and I hope to see it being developed further!


Are you the dev?

Haha no! Colugo is the name of the dev. I’m just making a video on my channel. :blush:


Just discovered Blockhead, i think it’s awesome. Probably never won’t replace a proper DAW for me but it is really great for sample mangling / tape style musique concrète collage work. The rolling buffer + relative time/subdivision approach works really well. Also with batch export in the latest version it’s awesome to pump out a bunch of interesting samples. If you’re looking into quickly mangling samples in different/unexpected ways don’t sleep over it.


It’s like a daw made for that little bit of burial that is in us all.


This looks rad! Is it for Mac too?