This is a big little analog 6 voice polysynth from GS Music who are known ( if known at all ) for their previous synth the e7. ( thread ) This synth has some similarities to that synth.
It comes in two versions, a 37 key keyboard version and a desktop module version.
I really like the blue. My favorite is the grey/blue version of E7 though, would also make a nice desktop Bree.
Anyone had a chance to play one yet? People are still sleeping on E7, hope this Bree will get some love. Could be a nice option for people looking for easy to use 101/Grandmother style synth but with polyphony. People who like Nymphes but want knob per function could also love this.
The e7 is an amazing synth and a great value for money: mpe, 7 voices with 4-part timbrality, raw sound. Totally love the Argentinian-made synth. If only space wasn’t an issue.
Also, not specifically targeting this synth, but what’s with each voice having a nervous LED assigned to it nowadays? What does it do, confirm that I’m actually hearing the voice and I’m not hallucinating?