Bree6 - Polysynth from GS Music

This is a big little analog 6 voice polysynth from GS Music who are known ( if known at all ) for their previous synth the e7. ( thread ) This synth has some similarities to that synth.

It comes in two versions, a 37 key keyboard version and a desktop module version.

They should both be fairly affordable.

I queued up this longer video from Miles Away, to just hear some sound from this synth.

They have been around at a few shows, i posted about the Bree6 after the Knobcon 2024 show a few months back.

Still a little early but we should be hearing more about this synth in the next few months.

The GS Music homepage which so far has nothing about the Bree6.


Thanks johnl for posting that demo video.

Yeah, so for anyone interested, GS Music decided to produce the desk top version first which can be ordered now. It comes in two colors :


Boy they sure like that blue color don’t they.


They must have listened to this Track a lot.

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I really like the blue. My favorite is the grey/blue version of E7 though, would also make a nice desktop Bree.

Anyone had a chance to play one yet? People are still sleeping on E7, hope this Bree will get some love. Could be a nice option for people looking for easy to use 101/Grandmother style synth but with polyphony. People who like Nymphes but want knob per function could also love this.


The e7 is an amazing synth and a great value for money: mpe, 7 voices with 4-part timbrality, raw sound. Totally love the Argentinian-made synth. If only space wasn’t an issue.

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Also, not specifically targeting this synth, but what’s with each voice having a nervous LED assigned to it nowadays? What does it do, confirm that I’m actually hearing the voice and I’m not hallucinating?

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It tells you that the voice is still on. One day when you lose the voice, you’ll understand :sunglasses:

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