Alright, here are the steps to reproduce the issue I’ve been referring to. I’ve confirmed this only occurs when using overbridge…specifically when using it as a plugin within Ableton. This may also occur using other DAWs. Also, I’ve only ever used overbridge with the usb cable connected to my computer before powering my unit on. Currently testing hot swapping the usb cable once the unit has already been powered on.
Bug Description: Kit Samples Switch On Their Own Using Overbridge
I just upgraded to the latest overbridge version. Wondering if they indirectly fixed this issue with it. I’m hoping so, since the last thing I want to do is send my machine in and be without it for months. I’ll be testing this extensively and will update with findings. If anyone wants to try this, go bananas. At the very least, this issue will documented here and hopefully it can help someone else.
- Ensure an active Ableton session is loaded with Overbridge connected and engaged and signal is routed to record each individual track within Live
- Ensure your AR is connected to your computer via USB before powering on the unit
- Power on the unit
- Go to Settings > Input From > MIDI Config > Port Config and ensure everything is enabled. Then, go to Port Config and ensure Input From/Output To are enabled. Also, ensure Sync is enabled.
- Operate the AR unit as normal. Power OFF/ON the unit as normal. At this point, there is a chance that immediately following powering the unit on, the samples in the active kit become swapped with other random samples within the +Drive. This can also occur with src engine parameters, but is less frequent.
- Attempt to record a phrase or sequence into Ableton. The record mode within the overbridge plugin doesnt matter. No sync, sync + transport, etc.
- Notice that when disengaging the record button within Ableton, the BD and CP pads mute themselves
Thanks to anyone who has any feedback or info on this!