I’d like to write down a quirk I’ve found with pick-up machine controlling master tempo.
I’ve only had the Octatrack for a day, however I do think this is a bug. Please let me know if I’m off.
The manual states pick-up machines can work as loopers and act as master/slave tempo controllers. Crucially it says the first pick-up machine to be recorded will set the tempo and others will follow. Sounds like Ableton’s looper.
This is broken:
Scenario - Loop over backing track
- Octatrack MK2
- Firmware 1.40A
Steps to reproduce
- Set-up pick-up machine & quantize pick-up by pattern length or 4 beats (playback & recording)
- Set global tempo to 130bpm
- Start recording pick-up machine
- Wait 10 beats and stop recording anywhere on the 3rd bar of the loop - any number of bars that isn’t a power of 2
Expected results
The loop will start after beat 12 and sequencer will continue at 130bpm.
Actual results
Loop will start at right time/length.
But global tempo will be changed to 86.6
86.6/130 = 2/3
What has happened is the octatrack has mistakenly updated tempo to have 2 bars of 86.6, instead of 3 bars of 130
Why this is broken:
- Cannot record a 12 bar blues for example (not sure see below)
- Certainly can’t record 3 bars over 4/4
- Pick-up machine should not change the tempo of a running sequence
Further details and quick questions/answers:
Is the manual suggesting the 1st machine will set the tempo always, so it works literally as expected?
No. This issue will happen even if there was already a pick-up machine recorded and playing back at 130bpm
Note both pickup machines should have “length” set to bone instead of 1x, 2x and so on.
Can this be fixed with different quantization options?
I don’t think so. I’ve tried: pattern length, 16, 4 and 1 beats. The 3 options do this.
Without retesting, I think 1 beat quantization outputs 104bpm when the loop is stopped at 3rd bar ; need to retest and make sense of the other scenario.
What might be the issue?
- Hypothesis: OT always gets the tempo from pick-up machines regardless of other state
- Pick-up machines are slaved only due to quantization of their length
So if tempo is at 130bpm and we stop during beat 10/bar 3; octatrack correctly understands we want to wait until the next bar. It’ll slave lengths of recordings.
However it will always (incorrectly) try to use the pickup machine’s length to determine tempo, by picking power of 2 n# bars that fit under length.
(I have admittedly not tried 12-bar blues so I’m not sure if this happens on non power of 2 or non multiple of 2)
I’d be super happy with a fix or workaround. Seems like a relatively easy thing to fix.
I don’t think a performer would want to change the global tempo of the whole sequence while recording a loop over the sequence as a backing track. In my opinion after the sequencer started all pick-up machines should stop setting global tempo.
Regardless, if quantized the pickup machines should set the correct global tempo - which in this case would be unchanged (130bpm).