So I want the main to go to my speakers as per normal but I would like to use the cue to mirror whats happening in the main so I can hook the cue up to an audio recorder and record my performance without having to do it all in headphones. Is this possible?
main -> control -> audio -> cue cfg
pg. 36 of the manual.
i’m not sure the manual answers that q, there’s probably a routing trick in there, i’m a bit noob, but there’s obviously the option to Cue every track, so the Cue would presumably mirror the main that way - if the studio mode is followed then there’ll be individual levels to set the same (poss in normal mode too, not at OT) - i bet there’s a way to cue a single track which is a clone of main, or maybe cue a master track !
I was literally about to come ask this. Studio mode doesn’t do it because individual levels and not sending the things from the mixer
If you cue every track muting tracks during a performance doesn’t actually mute them. It’s the whole performance I want to record really.
Same here, I’m using the OT as my main mixer and need to record the whole sound coming out of it. I was just routing my main through my computer at first and just monitoring i.t through there, but it creates this slight latency that just bothers me.
I guess we should put in a feature request to be able to just mirror main on cue.
I would cue out the master track
That’s a good point. I guess that would work if track 8 is set to master. In my case though it isn’t as I need all 8 tracks.
Can’t you just use studio mode and set the cue and main levels the same for each track?
[quote=“” Lemajik""]
I would cue out the master track
Wow. I’m stupid. Thank you
Edit: actually is this supposed to send the mixer stuff too? It isn’t for me, sadly I need that function. I just want to record everything coming from the OT
That’s a good point. I guess that would work if track 8 is set to master. In my case though it isn’t as I need all 8 tracks. [/quote]
Aah… that’s a fail man… I don’t know what you can do if all 8 tracks are full. It sucks you will have to mix que out also if in cue studio mode… try scene locks on cue out. I don’t have the OT infront right now. But that can work if you will work with scenes. Otherwise just press cue…
Not sure if this helps,
But in my experience all latency issues come from using a DAW (especially noticeable when recording vocals)
I dont understand why this is, when any digital hardware recorder doesnt have these issues
Anyway perso i use the cues to route out the drums, and have them separate (studio mode)
In studio mode you can choose which tracks are going out to the cues,
and invariably you have to turn every track you dont want right down cos theyre all set to a 100
Rael, DAW latency monitoring happens due to the Buffer size set in the DAW.
Try first to lower it. But keep in mind that you can encounter crackles and that stuff depending on how many tracks or plugins you’re using during a live recording (i.e. vocals).
I can clean perceive this latency (like a chorus effect) when im listening to my voice using headphones. Because of the vibrations induced by my real voice and also headphone leaking compared to what is coming back in headphones from computer (ADC then DAC that of course introduce delay)
How long is the buffer you’re experiencing latency with?
sorry Nedavine for this O.T. digression.
I’m still scratching my head to find a possible workaround to your request…
I just tested this.
If you are in studio mode and send tracks to both main and cue muting tracks in mixer mode or function + track mutes tracks on both outputs.
You should be able to achieve your goal with this configuration.
^. Nice to know studio mode works.
I was about to suggest a pair of Y-cables.
@ sicijv
In fact i do everything hardware, but i often go to others studios to record vocals, and most of these people are heavily experienced with recording/mixing setups, but the chorus effect like you mentioned is always present in the headphones, i dont think their doing anything wrong, its just the drawback of using a DAW,
I understand where the issue comes from,
But i dont understand why this issue has not been corrected in 2014 (almost), since its never been an issue in hardware recorders (i started with a fostex tape 4track in 98
Most audio interfaces and their control software allow you to do direct monitoring (not through the DAW) so unless you absolutely need to monitor through plug in effects you can monitor that way latency free.
If you can get your DAW buffer to 64 samples without blowing up you can do software monitoring and probably won’t notice the latency.
Pro Tools 11 does monitoring well now because it uses 2 buffers and only needs to put the record enabled track in the low buffer.
This really should be its own thread!
Nedavine, what do you have in your Studio? Do you have a mixer? or something that allows you some routings?
Otherwise my only 2 advices are:
use T8 as master then Cue it
go with Main to recorder then from recorder’s monitor out to loudpeakers.
From what i’ve seen in Banshee you have a H4n, are you? so you should have only the headphones output,that carries line output anyway…maybe a tiny Y-cable to drive your speakers from there…
this suggestion comes from the usefulness of having a confidence monitoring of what you’re actually recording (the so-called “tape return”)
did anyone get to the bottom of this?
i’m trying to send TR8/master to the cue outputs, for recording, and it’s no dice.
regardless of normal or studio option, i can’t send all tracks apart from track 8 (when set to master) to the cue otuputs
sad face
If you aren’t using your headphones, use the headphone out and set the headphone mix all the way over to master… The first thing I noticed was even though I set it all the way over to master, the click was still coming through… so you would have to turn the click off too.