Can midi be used to trigger visuals?

TL;DR is there a piece hardware or software that will take Midi notes and fire off visuals (pics, short bit of film, or vector graphics, etc), and effect them or morph between them, etc etc?

For those who have plenty of time and want to read the full post: Me and my girlfriend/band mate were discussing synths and midi (my area of literacy) and she was creating some stop motion graphics on the iPad (her main area of literacy) and I got to thinking, rather than having to create hundreds of individual frames, could you not get something to morph between one state and the next. Then we got on to talking (while stoned, ofc) about wouldn’t it be cool if we could map images/film to a midi keyboard. To keep it simple, say twelve images for the 12 notes in an octave that will trigger when that note is played and loop and whatnot. Then velocity could control transparency, lower octaves darker images, upper octaves more blown highlights, etc. So before I go ahead and speak to my coding buddy to knock something up for us, does this already exist? Thanks!

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Hi, I’ve used arkaos before, you assign a video clip the each note that can be triggered via midi, you can also assign the built in fx to a note which can be triggered while the video clip is playing.

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Most VJ software does these things.
VDMX, Resolume, etc.
Max for Live has some cool offerings as well.


Thanks! I will check it out :yellow_heart:

Ah awesome. I already have Max for Live. Any specific plug-ins/instruments for it I should check out?

I think Jitter in Max MSP is what you need (or actually maybe Vizzie if you just want quick results with existing clips)


I haven’t used Max for Live in years, but there should be some stuff here if you look around.

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Look into resolume.
It can trigger clips using midi notes and parameters can be freely assigned cc control. I’ve been a resolume user for a rather long time, hooking up the digitakt midi to it has been quite interesting.


For the iPad there is the app TouchViZ. A lot of functions can be controlled via Midi. I controlled mainly effects via Midi. But I think you can also trigger clips.

Here you can find the Midi reference:


Thanks everyone. Lots to research! :yellow_heart:

For iPad:

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TouchVIZ for iPad is definitely a good solution and it’s been very reliable for me. I only used it in a different context though when I did visuals alongside some lighting in my freelance job as a light & sound tech.

(swipe for video examples)

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I’ve never used midi to trigger visuals before. How do you all ingest it?

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interesting. Can I also do kind of sequencing the clip triggers in resolume?

Let´s say I want to trigger the next clip in a row on every beat. Can I do that too?

Pretty much everything in resolume is midi mappable. I’ll generally set up clips to get triggered by midi notes and effects and stuff to be midi cc. I’m doing this I am able to sequence resolume from the DT. Resolume doesn’t have its own sequencer


Not sure if you can have one midi message trigger successive clips though. But i m a Resolume noob. This feature, if it exists, could actually be very handy for a project i m working on…

I did code an OSC message to Resolume midi trigger interface in Max before, to sync Resolume to a Hog4 DMX lighting table. With such in between steps anything is possible, but it gets more complex.

Can you elaborate what you mean a little?

That s how i interpreted the OP:

Ie. one midi note or cc that skips through the clips on a row.

I dont use Resolume, but if it has ^this feature and you can midi trigger it, then it should work.