Circuit Tracks issue

Haven’t frequented the site for quite a while, moving house, hopitals, usual stuff. :ambulance:
Anyway, i’ve bought meself a Novation Circuit tracks lately, to replace the Boss 505 looper that i was using live at various EMOM’s.
The Circuit tracks is a decent machine, i’m just about ready to ditch the L plates…apart from one issue that’s been sending me loopy. (excuse the pun).
Loading my own samples into it, it’s just not happening.
I’m using the Components software for assembling the samples, synths and project but when i click the “send to circuit tracks” button, the machine does it’s lights flashing thing, which i’ll assume is the samples etc being loaded.
Problem is, i can’t find them.
I’ve assembled (produced) my own tracks, which i’ve then put into a project, patterns and scene locations, using the factory and other sound packs.
Now i want to download some of my own samples so i can get busy with my music but for the last several days, no matter how hard i try and follow online tutorials, none of them actually show you where the samples you’ve just uploaded are!
This is the only issue that’s holding me up from getting my music started, using my own samples.
Anyone else had this problem?
Cheers. :+1:

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Novation Circuit Rhythm and Circuit Tracks