Connect a random sequencer to Digitone

I’m new in the world of Elektron Synth;i was wondering how to make dark/cinematic ambient Music using an external sequencer (setted to random) connected to Digitone (like the way you can make generative ambient with the moog mother 32 and valhalla supermassive).
Can i connect a random sequencer like korg SQ-1 to the digitone?
Thank you for your time

You can achieve similar effects with the Digitone sequencer. Yes, you can use an external sequencer but none are going to give you the options that the Elektron sequencer will.

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Thank you for your answer;
How can i make something like sligtly changes to my sequence to make it sound like is randomized?

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There is quite a lot you can do with the Digitone sequencer and randomness, especially if you also use random LFOs. What is harder to do is to have random events happen that are not connected to particular points on the Digitone’s sequencer grid. But with careful programming this is not really noticeable. Can you provide examples of things you would like to do? I suspect many of them can be done with Digitone alone.


Via the magic of “MIDI via USB” you can even use all the funky sequencers made for MAX for each different DN tracks, that open a lots of doors.
The better aspect is that technically you can then use the MIDI tracks of the DN to sequence modifications on the MAX sequencers that control the DN tracks.


I would like to make a random arpeggio with the Digitone or something that can evolvé/modify during the track.

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There are limited techniques for pitch randomization on Digitone, and none for note duration, as far as I know. If you put a C on a trig, you can put a G on the next trig, use microtiming to push it as far left as you can (so it is almost on top of the first trig but not quite) and put a probability on it. Then the C will play when the G does not, and the G will choke the C when the G plays. You can do something similar with the trig before the C to get three possibilities. But this uses up three trigs, and is a nuisance to program.

The other conditional locks (PRE, NEI, X:Y, etc.) are not random, but you can use them to avoid repetition, and if the X:Y conditions are sufficiently varied, the result might be varied enough, especially for slow ambient.

Beyond that, you can certainly connect an external sequencer (software or hardware) to the Digitone and drive it with MIDI. The SQ-1 should be straightforward, if you have one and want to use it.


I will try to understand better all the function from sequencer and arpeggiator.

Thank you for your time (-;

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I don’t think I realized before your question that the arpeggiator on the Analog Four has two random options that are missing from the arpeggiator on the Digitone!


maybe you can try midi loopback with midi random lfo to note and length CC.


LFO on Ratio All with sample and hold mode
Alternating two chords with trig conditions
Slight and slow changes with LFO on MIDI loopback


If you have a way to send the DN random midi notes then you can trigger different patterns with those notes using the Midi Multimap. You set it up in the “Control” section of the main menu.


Thank you guys;
Today I realised that if you connect via usb the Digitone and setup the midi via usb i can easilly control the Digitone with a digital sequencer vst and it works perfect!

I’m working to create a Max generative patch for an exam,my idea was to create a device that generate random evolving sequence in order to create some inspiring sound texture that i can play with my Digitone.Is it possibile? and can anyone recommend me some max for live forum were i can find some help with this project?


check out Red Means Recording video on generative music using ableton built in tools!
dont forget to utilize automation through midi CC sent to digitone (you can find cc data in the manual page 90)


Yeah i second this


I am using a Keystep Pro to trigger notes on my Digitone, there are things I like on the KSP which the DN sequencer cannot do.


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I love my Digitone.


I have to use random arpeggiator from Octatrack because they did not implement it (seriously, this makes no sense).
When you try to change notes with MIDI Loopback, you cannot change a trig note by changing the track note. This is not happening on OT, where you can random LFO on track note and it changes the notes in the sequencer, in DN they get automatically locked.
Funny thing you can do if you an OT is using Multimap and then random arp to create random alternated triggers on the 4 tracks.

Anyway, Ableton/MAX will probably get you far beyond with generative sequencing so MIDI over USB should suffice.



The elektron sequencer is the absolute boss of step-sequencers…but I too like sequencing options and would welcome euclidean and some interpretation of a Turing Machine on any/all devices.


In theory there’s nothing that prevents you from using an external sequencer, and the features of the internal sequencer combined…

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Apart from the usual midi data, you can send any digitone specific midi data you like out of the messages/data listed in the manual. There’s an appendix at the end. Go nuts!