Controlling Ableton live track mute with the Octatrack

Hi Octatrackers
Is it possible to mute / unmute ableton live ( midi tracks ) with the Octatrack midi tracks ?

You can just mute the midi track on the OT, no? Or do you mean tracks the OT isn’t supplying with note info.

I would like to know if i could somehow use the midi mute/unmute triggers of the octa and use them to mute/unmute tracks in ableton live.

Buttons 8-16? I don’t think so, not directly. Not it’s not the note source.

Yes buttons 8 to 16, that would be cool
so we could use the octa as a control surface

Sequence it from OT and you’ve got it.

That’s what I do but I was trying other ways to do it that might work
Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

OT can send MIDI CCs, not sure if that can be sequenced, but if you can place a CC change on a trig then you could potentially set those tracks to plays free mode and oneshot to momentarily trigger mutes/unmutes. Not sure if that would work though, and keep in mind that there’s a bug with the direct mode which will prevent it from working properly, do you’d have to use one of the quantised settings.

Octatrack receives on the Autochannel number that was setup in your project, then

track 1: cc112 (value 0=mute/off, 1...127=unmute/on)
track 2: cc113 (- .. -)
track 3: cc114 (- .. -) 
track 4: cc115 (- .. -)
track 5: cc116 (- .. -)
track 6: cc117 (- .. -)
track 7: cc118 (- .. -)
track 8: cc119 (- .. -)

It doesn’t matter if your machine is in midi mode or not.
Be aware those controls are passive, you get no feedback by changing the machine, the values are solely received.

for controlling Ableton Live with it? nope, they are not send out on autochannel when you change the midi mutes on the machine (but as i just tested audio mutes are send out)

maybe some methodology about it: the OT is a sequencer, not a controller. That means it is rather expected that you’d sequence what you want to control on external gear including Ableton. So a manually placed one-time (trig condition: 1st) passive trig (trigless trig) on one of the 10 possible CC-out with a cc-number given by you and value chosen by you as well is perfectly fine workaround. Be aware that workaround would send such cc+value on the channel given for that particular midi track.
Also your midi setup changes with the part you choose to play but you have only one midi sequence per pattern. So if you choose this method, place your unmute on the very last step and maybe even trig conditional move that trig to the last last possible pos, that way you’d unmute one tick before the expected incoming data could be received.

Have fun.

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Thank you for answering guys
As there is no easy way, I give up on this one