Is there a way to do this? I’d like to transfer the preset list of drum sound locks from the A4 ‘preset’ project to another project of my own. Apologies in advance if this has been answered elsewhere…
Can’t you export .syx from pool and then import .syx to new pool ?
There is no function*
Remember, the Pool need not be connected to the +Drive sounds, so it makes sense to export a backup of your favourite pool arrangement and export/import is trivial
*except quite possibly in one of @void's many programs possibly in development
Hey, thanks for replying. So you’re saying that the sound lock list available for each trig can be copied over from project to project as a sysex?
yes. you need to dump it to a computer with c6.
In Global > sysex dump settings, there should be an option to dump all sounds at once.
In c6, make sure it’s connected to your A4, then press Receive.
Then dump all the sounds from A4 - it’s pretty quick, sounds are small.
press Stop in c6. Highlight the received data. At the bottom, it should say “128 sounds”.
Then, load the new project in your A4. In c6, highlight the previously received data.
Press send. On the A4 it should say “Received Sound xxx”. That’s it.
Awesome, I’ll try that out. I’ve transferred sysex data from the machines back and forth before but wasn’t aware of this solution. Thanks!
Hello there,
I have 2 simple questions.
Is there any way to copy the sound pool from one project to another or should I export a sysex file with the sound pool and load it to my new project?
how to copy a pattern + kit (with track sounds) from one project to another? found that everytime I copy a pattern, it doesn’t copy the sounds from the tracks and I have to do them manually. It gets tedious/confusing at the end.
Thank you
discussed before here and elsewhere(search) Copy Kit + pattern at the same time