"could not verify sample 3 times" error

Running latest RYTM MK1 OS (1.61B), running Transfer I am trying to drag and drop samples from my RYTM to my MacOS desktop (Big Sur 11.5.2), but am getting an error on every sample:

Could not verify sample, retrying

Followed by a red error:

Could not verify sample 3 times. Aborting.

Any ideas? Is this a bug with the RYTM OS or Transfer app?

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Please contact Elektron support if you haven’t already.
Whatever the problem is, I think this would intrest them to investigate it.


Contacted support. Received a prompt response but no solution yet. Sounds like the issue is that the Transfer app looks at the sample on the RYTM and compares its sample header against its actual sample data and it doesn’t think the samples match their own headers. So either something got corrupted on the synth (unlikely, all the samples work fine), or it’s some sort of mismatch/bug with how the samples got loaded onto the RYTM (possibly with the old C6 app), how Transfer is trying to read them, or the version(s) of the RYTM OS used at the time of loading the samples.

I’m really concerned I won’t be able to this data off the RYTM. I was thinking of upgrading to a MK2 but if I can’t transfer all the samples over then I’m not sure I’d be interested in doing that.

I’m curious if the old C6 app would be able to read the samples correctly, but I’m also concerned that the C6 app might end up corrupting something in the process. Probably not going to try this.


Got the same problem. Downgrade to later transfer app and samples start to transfer to unit. Im on windows 10.

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How does one obtain a previous version of the Transfer app?

I found an old version of Transfer in my downloads folder. Installed it and was able to copy the files.

Not super comfortable with this though. e.g. some risk of incompatibility between and RYTM 1.61B that could cause some harm.

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Yup i got literally the same issiue and i also found old transfer file in my downloads folder thank god :slight_smile:

have you found other solutions for this problem?
I don’t have an old file

I am having the same problem on some of my samples. Can anyone upload their copy of Transfer I searched online and was not able to find a copy. Thank you.

same issue here with transfer 1.5
still no fix or am I the only one?

I’m running into this issue
First time using Transfer

Wondering what the solution or workaround is

Having the same problem.
Used the cable that came with M:S.
Newest Version of Transfer. It fails with at least 30% of the samples.

Windows 10 user

Reviving this one cause I’m having the same issue running fw 1.61E and Transfer 1.5.0.

Hey Team, I had the same issue with my RYTM MkII (OS1.61E with Transfer I managed to complete a backup by switching from Overbridge mode to USB audio/Midi on the RYTM (Settings-system-USB config) and shutting down overbridge engine on my laptop. I’m not sure if you need to do both.

Hope that helps!

Just tried but no luck. Works for a minute or two but then fails again.

Another user here on RYTM MK1 on latest OS 1.61.E.
I had an earlier Transfer backed up and samples now can be copied back from the Device to the Computer (mac os latest Monterey). Thank goodness since I somehow manage to loose the sample chain files I made on my mac porting over to the RYTM.

Some samples would transfer over on Transfer 1.5, but most wouldn’t. Couldn’t figure out the issue. Glad I found this thread to roll back.

Hopefully Elektron can track down the issue in newer versions of Transfer compared to


Hi same issue here. Analog Rytm MKI OS 1.61E

The fix is to use the older version of transfer v1.2.2.9
Copy the samples to you computer.
Uninstall v1.2.2.9. and Install the latest version of Transfer v1.5.0.14
Copy the samples back to the AR and then they work fine and can be copied and saved used the latest version of Transfer.

Hope this helps someone. Thankfully I only just received a AH and haven’t copied many samples over yet. But i wanted to save the samples that the previous owner had left on there before I did a factory clean reset.


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Does anyone know how to download a copy of transfer v1.2.2.9? Im having the same issue described above as well.

Thanks so much everyone!

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Same issue with some samples.
Rytm Mk1
MacOSX 11
latest version Transfer


could you or someone else please share a link to download transfer 1.2.2 ?
I have several sample packs on my AR mk1 and cannot back them up with the latest version of transfer.
