is it really not possible to use the cross fader to affect midi cc values through scenes? this seems like such an obvious and potentioally amazing feature. if this is not available it seems like it should be implemented and wouldnt be hard to do.
Sorry, not on topic, but are you the AlephNull who released on Backwards Records in the 00s? If so, your Mechaphysical EP is one of my all time favorite records and has been in heavy rotation on my stereo for years.
speak_onion - nope i’m not, i’m making a clothing company with that name because it is based on the idea of measuring infinity and my company is making heavily patterned psychedelic clothing. im gonna check that song out though if your saying its that good.
back to the topic of midi crossfader - thanks for clarifying this, i knew it had to be something like overloading the ability of the machines to interpret the data, id still love for it to be an option incase it does work.
slightly off topic, but as a work around would it be possible to get a controller such as the Livid instruments code v2, and using this controller - control mutiple parameters of multiple machines.
I don’t think this realy works good. The problem is: You have 8 Midi tracks with each 10 CC knobs. This means you can change 80 different CC (from 00 to 127) by moving the slider from Scene A to B in 1/4 second. Your Midi-Cable would start to smoke
On the other hand, it still may be musically useful.
I’d rather have the possibility of choking receiving gear and having it lock up/burst into flames and then adjust it for my own use rather than having someone else put in extra seatbelts, a governer on the engine, and wrap me in bubblewrap.
Back in the 90’s there was a MIDI sequencer called the Latronic Notron. It was one of the very few hardware MIDI sequencers ever made that sent out MIDI CC info between steps. Every couple clock messages (depending on tempo) MIDI CC info could be interleaved. If you had all 4 tracks set to the same MIDI channel and all 4 generating CC info along with notes, and had the tempo cranked up, different MIDI gear would react very extremely, but repeatably.
Do I get upset when an MKS-80 locks up with that much MIDI data spit at it? No. Do I enjoy the sonic mayhem that can result when a more modern polysynth like a Waldorf Q receieves all that info? I sure do.
The choice is mine and that’s important to me. Don’t block the ability to explore the extremes because often you’ll find very useful things near those extreme conditions.
Elektron used to be about exploring the boundaries and new ideas.
So according to your calculations that is 80 params from 00 to 127 in a 1/4 second. This is like 40640 CC per second.
Please remind me not to hire you as programmer for code optimisation tasks.
Ok now talking seriously.
You can achieve excellent results with a 30Hz control rate, that gives you a maximum of 2400 CC per second for 80 parameters at maximum rate.
Any way I’ll be happy having 250 CC per second, enough to handle my Analog Four 10 performance knobs at a control rate resolution of 25hz.
Is the programmer´s job to provide elegant solutions to avoid MIDI cluttering.
For example:
By using the LFOs you can modulate 24CCs per Part at a very high rate, I did measure them, and they send a huge amount of data, I don’t remember right now, but I can re-test if you want.
So why not give te user the option to choose between having any of those 24 possible CCs been modulated by the LFO or… the crossfader.
Is not that hard, a simple multiplication will do the trick.
Also do you know that each time you change a Part that has CCs active on it, all values are sent (if needed) This means that static scenes for MIDI are possible.
Anyway, the OT´s ball is in elektron´s side long time ago, let see if they wanna play.
don’t have an OT so i don’t really know how the fader works there but with the amount of MIDI data sent/received to/from a machine you need sometimes to be careful whilst working on the Morph4 and the randomizers for the A4 and AR i’ve found out that it could depend on the type of machine used as well (i might be wrong though) and reaction times change slightly
i.e.: with the Morph4 there’re 4 MIDI CCs that are morphed and things seems to be pretty smooth on both domains (analog and digital)
on the other hand, when using the randomizers, sometimes the machines tend to react slowly and that’s probably because there’s something like 40 parameters which are morphed/updated at a really fast speed
i would also consider what the machine does whilst the MIDI stream is received (or sent) and i’m guessing that on the OT there’s a lot going on, especially when moving the fader; things do work at really high speed within a microprocessor, but they do take time to deal with lots of tasks…a bit like computers in a way
Imagine a world where they could figure out the max number of thigs I could do with the MIDI stream and just limit me to that!
Some would be way better than none!!
i do projections using video synthesizers, some of them have midi, others react to sound. I’m hoping to use this to allow the octatrack to be in control of what song/pattern is on sonically and visually. I’m hoping to export the midi out to VDMX and make it so i can mute a track and it simultaneously hides the corresponding video layer. Thanks for the help on this! it was driving me insane thinking of how i’m gonna line up the visuals with the OT.
You can have MIDI scenes if you use VDMX, you just need to know how to program them inside VDMX.
You can use the crossfader to affects several parameters and morph between fixed values also.
The problem is for ppl that don´t want to have a computer involved on their setups, then the thing gets more complicated, but for you, for you it will be a piece of cake.
This is a work I made on VDMX for one of my songs:
Is 100% procedural and generated in real time, all controlled by MIDI and VDMX generators.