Crossfader issue

In the past week I’ve had an issue pop up with my crossfader.
When I move it to the far right position it jumps to the ‘middle’ setting.
That is, moving from left to right, everything interpolates correctly and smoothly until the fader touches the right ‘wall’ and the setting jumps to middle.
I can see this happening in the display…the fader is full right but the display shows the center.
Again, this is happening only at the very last possible range of motion (I can feel a slight ‘click’ or bump as it does this.
Has anyone else had this happen?
It’s like something has shifted under the case or something and going to the full right position is jumping to a default of the middle setting of two given scenes.

While it can be annoying, I am finding that at times it’s kind of cool to be able to make that jump to the exact middle value instantly.
Other times it’s a pain because I can’t ‘throw’ the fader to the right and expect that scene to the right to engage totally.

To be clear, I am VERY gentle with my OT and I have in no way induced this problem by misuse of the fader.

I have the option of sending it back for free and getting a replacement but I’m not sure yet if I will (unless this problem is indicative of further problems down the line).

Any thoughts Elektronauts?

doesn’t sound good although i think it’s an easy fix in all likelihood

is the fader loosely mounted ? i’ve seen one loose before, in case there’s some obvious element to it to explore

only useful thing i can say is look at the midi output to see what’s happening to the numbers there - it might point further to what;s happening internally

ie when do you (if you even do) get to 127, is it earlier than the buffer - what about 0 ? at the other end

maybe others with direct experience will sort the mystery

i’m assuming there’s no other midi gear hooked in that could be returning a midi setting of 64 !

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Thanks for the reply…

The fader definitely isn’t loose at all. This is my second OT and it feels the exact same as the first.

I don’t have anything hooked up to it (no MIDI).

I haven’t/don’t use it as a MIDI sequencer so I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking there as far as the buffer and whatnot.

I know next to nothing about MIDI in general either.

I’m basing all this on watching the little display of the fader position…and the sound of the scenes (obviously).

I had this crossfader thing… a while ago. I first freaked out a little the i blew air in the gap while fiddling with the fader, then lucky me, it worked again. Never had it since then. my model is an early one without the “protecting stuff” in the gap of the fader. try some air hope it works

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I haven’t heard about the ‘protecting stuff’.
What is that exactly?

yeah could someone post a closeup shot showing this (and maybe the previous version) ?

Here is mine. as you can see you can look right into the box. Later i heard they implemented some protective filt or something to minimize the opening.

anyone who has the protectio? or did i dream i read this on the eu forum…

You can test the cross fader in test mode. It’s easy to replace the whole thing - there’s a YouTube video. However, this would void the warranty. I had mine replaced by Elektron. I really would try blowing air into it too.

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crossfader dust sleeve !!!
thats the name of it…

Okay there is a difference

It’s not as pronounced a difference as this photo suggests
That’s why i was unsure - you can still see the guts no bother !

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[quote="“TJT” date=“2014-01-24 19:14:13"”]
In the past week I’ve had an issue pop up with my crossfader.
When I move it to the far right position it jumps to the ‘middle’ setting.
That is, moving from left to right, everything interpolates correctly and smoothly until the fader touches the right ‘wall’ and the setting jumps to middle.
I can see this happening in the display…the fader is full right but the display shows the center.
Again, this is happening only at the very last possible range of motion (I can feel a slight ‘click’ or bump as it does this.
Has anyone else had this happen?
It’s like something has shifted under the case or something and going to the full right position is jumping to a default of the middle setting of two given scenes.

While it can be annoying, I am finding that at times it’s kind of cool to be able to make that jump to the exact middle value instantly.
Other times it’s a pain because I can’t ‘throw’ the fader to the right and expect that scene to the right to engage totally.

To be clear, I am VERY gentle with my OT and I have in no way induced this problem by misuse of the fader.

I have the option of sending it back for free and getting a replacement but I’m not sure yet if I will (unless this problem is indicative of further problems down the line).

Any thoughts Elektronauts?


If you have had your OT for a while with no fader issues until now, it’s most likely dust that just messes the position reading. Try find some air filled spraycan to blow it away (make sure it’s for electronics, always good to have and they often have an small tubing so you’re able aim/angle the airstream). Put fader to one end, put the can with tubing at the other end slightly angled towards the fader and give an short gentle press. Repeat with fader at other end. If the gap/bump feel also haven’t been there until now. That could also be some dust/hair/whatever that have got onto the “bars” (don’t know if that’s the correct term in english), which the fader is sliding on. You could try blow that away, but it might have wrapped itself around the bar so it may not be that easy. If it doesn’t work, there’s no problem exchanging the fader. Contact support in that case.

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Thanks everyone!

FWIW my OT doesn’t have the dust skirt.

I’ll try the condensed air and report back.

Thanks for your help everyone!

Blowing the dust out fixed it.

FWIW I do have the dust skirt (I didn’t have the OT in front of me before).

Thanks again.


That’s good to know for the future, it’s an optical fader so i guess it makes some sense !


" When I move it to the far right position it jumps to the ‘middle’ setting."

I’m a bit late to the party but hey… maybe this could help someone:

I had the same problem and this has nothing to do with dust (unless you have a lot - and I mean a lot- of dust). Just turn the screw on the right side until the optical track gets properly aligned.

This must be a known issue with those faders since these offset screws can be adjusted without any tool on other models (see the xfader of the behringer DDM4000 ).

If you do it like me while the unit is on (so you can check that the position is ok) be extra careful not to damage it.

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If that’s not enough, replacement fader here:

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Hey mate I had this same problem and you need a new cross fader, contact electron. It’s really easy to replace yourself too

Update: Turns out that the offset screw trick does not last. I finally replaced the crossfader with kind support from elektron. I hope this one will last.

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I recently had the same problem, used compressed air and contact cleaner, but that made it worse. So i took the lid off, detached the fader, and unclipped the chipboard from the top part of the crossfader. Attached to the top part is a small glass plate with some black markings on it. I cleaned the glass both sides with a cotton bud, reassembled the unit and everything now works good as new. Its a really easy fix, don’t be put off by opening the machine.